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"s-sir! if you don't stop, i'll bring you to the police station!"

"bUt- *hiccup* but- *hiccup* i nEEeed it!!" the man's voice cracked.

he's really desperate for something, huh?

"you know what, you're too stubborn. you're coming with me!" the security guard tries dragging the tall man but the man wouldn't move an inch or budge.

"o-oi! why're so heavy?!" the guard pants and grunts as he tries dragging the man.

you owe me for saving your ass, Gojo.

"o-oh! excuse me, i apologize for letting my friend wander on his own...!!" you ran into the scene, trying to separate gojo and the guard.

"fRiEnd?! whO the *hiccup* fUck aRe yOu??! oh‐ oooh~ hi, yOu sIngle?" gojo was shouting, but when he saw you, he changed into a flirty type.

gojo stands up from the floor, trying to impress you, but he keeps wobbling around.

"gojo, we need to go-"

"yOu kNoW mE?!?! wAit- *hiccup* are yOou likE- lOwkey aSking me On a dAte?! cuz if yOu arEee... i'm *hiccup* sIngLe bUt i likE someone alReadY! so baaAasIcally i'M tAken beCausE we'rE dAtiNg in mY minD! oooOh fUck!"

gojo hit his head on the pole, causing him to lose balance and fall on the floor, butt first.

son of a mother- istg.

"gojo, it's me, (y/n). now, shut the fuck up and put your arm around my shoulder."

you glance over the guard, he has the 'what the actual fuck am i experiencing right now' look on his face.

"(y/n)!? *hiccup* baaaaby~! arE you finAlly reaLiziNg mY wOrtH?! i aaaam dEfinitEly betteR tHan tOji becaaAuse i obviOusly hAve a FattEr anD lOnger di-" before gojo could finish his complain, you covered his mouth. gojo pouts and crosses his arm like a grumpy toddler.

you keep adjusting his glasses that keep sliding down his face.

"come on now. i'll take you ho- fucking disgusting!" you felt gojo lick your palm. you immediately removed your hand from his mouth.

"uhm, i hope you two lovebirds arrive home safely." the guard says.

"we're not dating!" you replied.

"bAby~ caN wE fUck aGaiN???" gojo buries his face on the crook of your neck.

drunk or not, this guy's still horny as fuck.

"you two are definitely dating. anyway, please go home safely... it's dangerous especially you have a drunk guy with you who has lost his mind." the guard helps you carry gojo by putting his arm around your shoulder.

you said your thanks to the guard. you and gojo went on with your amazing journey coming back home.

"s-so... h-heavy... nghh... how many bottles did you drink, gojo?!" you ask.

no response.

don't vomit. don't vomit. don't fucking vomit please.

"h-hey, (y/n)... i-i love you... you know that right?" gojo says in a low voice, his head hung low and arm still around your shoulder.

he's just drunk.

"tell me that again when you're sober"

"i love you"

"when you're sober, gojo."

"i love you"

"whatever. help me make my work less hard, yeah? just try and walk properly."

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