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"just– dont tell this to anyone, alright? and you know i–" gojo closes his mouth. he looks at you, examining every feature.

"nevermind." he sighs and looks away. you just kept quiet because you cant find the right words to say since you don't know what happened.

"do you regret meeting me?" gojo changes the topic. he looks at you, especially at your eyes. people believe in the saying, the eyes are the windows to the soul. our eyes never lie, they always show our true feelings.


why did he change the topic so sudden? i don't know what to say. yeah, he has hurt me a lot but...

gojo waited for the answer but you still kept quiet.

"i guess you do..." he shook his head and lets out a sad laugh.

"just so you know, i have never regretted meeting you... i know its been days or a week since we last spoke, it's not that long, but i can't get you off my mind. i was too stupid and blind to not see how important you are to me. you were just as breathtaking as the first time i saw you and it always makes me feel so excited to see my favorite girl again. i know a simple sorry's not a enough but i'm willing to do anything. i– well– uh.. i'm not saying that you don't deserve happiness. d-don't get me wrong, i want you to be happy. even if i'm not the reason behind it anymore."

"fuck, that was cheesy.." he laughs, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere. he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment since he doesn't say those kind of things. "but it's all true..." gojo added.

"what are you trying to do? a– a closure or...?" you sat back at the door of the car, trying to get a better look at gojo.

"look, i'm not forcing you to get back with me. but, i want to try it again with you. by it, i mean this relationship. if you– you like– want... i-i may have or have not searched how to make or where to buy voodoo dolls in incognito tab o-or searched 'how to break the kneecaps of my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend' a-anyway..."

this guy... i swear to god.

"i'm sorry but it's not the same anymore. i don't think i'll ever– we'll ever get back.. together... i... already like, and i think love fits it better. i already love someone else, toji." you look down and grip on your pants.

why do i feel empty.

"that's great! i'm happy for you, (y/n)." gojo smiles at you. "thanks for being straight to the point. i hope he treats you like how you deserve to be treated, like a queen or someone who deserves respect... even though that guy is a fucking dick" gojo lets out another sigh, turns away and looks out the window.

"you're also a dick, you know" you joked. you heard him chuckle, still looking out the window.

"i'll bring you home now. you must be tired and all that shit" gojo exits the car, holding the door open for you.

"uhm.. help me? please..?" you awkwardly laughed and pointed at your legs. gojo laughs and held out his hand for you.

you struggle to get out of the car since you got pins and needles on your legs from your sitting position, but gojo gladly helped you.

"h-hey! it's okay! i-i can still walk" gojo sweeped you off your feet unexpectedly and carried you to the passenger seat.

"too late." gojo stuck his tongue out and gently laid you down the passenger seat, adjusting it for you to get comfy.

while gojo's adjusting your seat, you were looking at him the whole time and you saw that they were a bit red and teary.

did he cry? or maybe dust just got in his eye?

"comfy?" gojo asks, snapping you out from your thoughts.

"yes, thank you"

"uhm, wait here while i go buy something. i think the students left already. anything you want? cravings or..?"

you shook your head and gave him a faint smile. "wait for me, okay?" gojo pats your head and closes the door gently.

you watched gojo come in the cafe and order something. he looks like a completely different person after he closed the car door. when he was talking to you, he would smile at you even with sorrowful eyes, but when he entered the cafe, his aura completely changed.


you look behind your shoulder, gojo's phone.

a new message from toji. that fucker still hasn't texted me since earlier! he just left me in 'read' and how the fuck will i know what he's doing right now. is he mad? did he find out that i went out to see gojo?

another thing caught your eye, gojo's phone lockscreen. it's a mirror picture of you and him from after you two took a bath together. you and gojo look like you two are on cloud nine, and not giving a single fuck about the world.

this is torturing me.

you waited about 8 minutes for gojo to come back. you heard a knock on the window and saw gojo adorably holding up your favorite treat and iced coffee with a sweet smile on his face.

you opened the door for him. "here's something to make you feel better after hearing me say shitty things and just because you're here with me"

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"i guess this is goodbye?" gojo stops his car in front of your house.

"silly, don't make it like you're leaving forever or what. you're still my lame ass teacher at the university." you joked

"yeah, but this is our last night together like, last date night. annnd... you still need to recite more in class. you're so loud when you're making love with toji but so quiet when it's my class."

"wait, you heard...?" you could feel your cheeks burning and your body getting hot.

"yeah, i could hear everything. n-not that i'm a creep but it's just too loud... and you're doing it at midnight where everything's quiet and everyone's asleep. i was doing some powerpoint for our next lecture but those noises were interrupting me."

omg. what. the. actual. fuck. so that means the other neighbors heard it too? i wanna bury myself 6 feet under ground.

"it's not that i haven't heard you moan or anything. not gonna lie, it turned me on a lot." gojo teased.

"what does he have that i don't have, hmm?" gojo tilts his head to the side and raises a brow.

"you're blushing? how cute!" gojo cups your face. you were frozen, you couldn't do anything. you actually wanted this.

"you know i'm greedy when it comes to you, baby. when i learned from him that he already came inside you? that pissed me off so fucking much." gojo slides his hand down your neck, choking you.

(daddy chill)

"i miss placing my hand around your neck, and pinning your hands above your head with my other hand. i would love to see you helpless and out of breath under me. don't worry, i won't be too rough. so what do you say? wanna make this night special?"

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