chapter 1

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naoya zen'in

"Any plans?" Playing with the cold food on her plate, she looked at the man sitting in front of her, Toji Fushiguro. "Why are you asking?" "I'll tag along?!" "No." "Come on Toji!! Do you want me to rot here?" "Do whatever you want, I don't care." "I know you do."

Rolling his eyes away from her, he turned to his side, looking at the sun, which was going down. "I need to go to the Zen'in clan." Changing her cheerful face into a frown, she looked at him. "Why?" "As if I care, I just have to be there." Looking like he was about to vomit, she started to laugh. "You're thinking of Naoya, aren't you?" "Even the thought of his face makes me-" Interrupted by her loud laugh, even Toji started to smirk a little.

Leaving the restaurant, they made their way to her home. Going through the streets of Tokyo was a feeling both of them enjoyed, they enjoyed it a lot. They were a match, like yin and yang, they were soulmates, they were friends, more than just normal friends, they were closer, but closer than that was impossible.

Kayo Ieiri, older sister of Shoko Ieiri, who was now a second year at the tokyo metropolitan curse technical school, was normal. She was living alone with her sister, she had friends, she graduated and became a sorcerer, even though it's been just a year, she was experienced enough. A normal life. But unfortunately that wasn't... all. Kayo wasn't just any sorcerer, she was incapable of seeing cursed spirits but curse users or the cursed energy itself were clearly in front of her eyes. She could see normal jujutsu sorcerers and their cursed energy, she had her own too but not seeing cursed spirits couldn't be fixed, how hard she would try, she could never find a way to see them. Even though she's been nearly blind in missions, she was also the one to success all the time, making one person utterly dissatisfied. Naoya Zen'in.

Naoya was very much the reason how Toji and her became friends. It was in the blood of a Zen'in to judge people, but those traditionalists were different, they were worse. Not only were they underestimating and downgrading their relatives, they were doing these type of things also to others. People like Kayo Ieiri and Toji Fushiguro weren't respected by them. Not to understand wrong, they never wanted their respect in the first place, they definitely could care less but that clan being a non-stopping burden did get on their nerve after quite a time.

It was summer right now, it wasn't getting dark that early anymore. Her long brown hair was in a mess because of the wind, but she still managed to look good. Her eyes looking tired, her hands in the pockets of her jeans, she looked at her boots, then again to the road. "What're you going to do with Megumi?" "Hm?" Rolling her eyes, she stared at the man next to her. He was casually walking, his eyes closed, as if he could sense anything. His son was a topic only Kayo had the courage to talk about. After seeing his first reaction to it, most people don't even try to ask anymore.

"You know, your son?" "What is with him?" She stopped hearing his words, though Toji continued to walk as if nothing happened. "God damn it Fushiguro. Just why? Why can't you talk about it like a normal person? Don't act like you don't care, I know you do. And what about my proposal? I told you I could take care of him." Now he also stopped and looked at her. "I haven't thought this through, okay? Now stop bugging me about this every damn day." "Yeah, whatever." Before they could continue to walk, a voice spoke: "Glad to meet you two again."

It was like a little shock, they weren't prepared for this at all, they thought it was some kind of sorcerer killer, but seeing the person in front of them made them more comfortable. "Oh it's you." Both rolled their eyes and walked the other way. "The fuck does 'Oh it's you' mean?" "It means, that you could've stayed at your daddy's home, Naoya." Toji said and raised his eyebrow. "Why are you even here?" Kayo asked Naoya. He turned directly to Toji and acted like he asked the question. "To talk sense into you. Looks like your puppy isn't leaving, so we'll need to talk about this next to her." Before Kayo could even start to move, Toji pushed Naoya to the side and continued to walk the way they were headed. "I am not listening to your talk."

Those words were his last before he completely shut the world off and walked away with her. She was still looking behind, to see if Naoya was standing there... He was indeed standing and looking at them. That glare on his face was scarier than the ones before, she did glare back but it didn't have the same effect. The aura she felt on her was stronger than one she had ever felt before. What was it that he wanted?

"I'll see you when I come by, stop bothering Zen'in." Toji waved sarcastically, still looking to the road in front of him and turned his head towards her. "You're gonna come with me?" "I definitely am. Sucks if you can't bring visitors, I'll just sneak inside." "You would politely ask to get in, that's how you are." "Care to shut up?" Making Toji laugh with those words, they arrived at her house.

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