chapter 23

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naoya zen'in

"Your fighting skills are obviously better than before Mei." Kayo was smiling at the woman in front of her. "Yours are still better, Kayo-san." "Well..." Before Kayo went to the port, she decided to meet with Mei, so she could show off the skills she had been practicing.

"What have you been doing the past few years." Mei Mei started to ask while they were fighting with their cursed tools. "As you see, I've been practicing." "I am sure that you didn't only practice your martial arts." "Of course I didn't." "Are you using mind manipulation on me with every one of your moves?" "Yes." "That's why I can't win, right?" "Basically." "Want to tell me about it?" Kayo slowly put her katana down. "If you want to know." They both sat down on the bench on the right. They were never too close but Kayo was always Mei's comfort and teacher in martial arts. That was why she dared to ask about her personal life.

"My parents, they died because I couldn't control my emotions. I accidentally opened my domain, which sucks everything into the water but it's actually just an illusion you know. The stronger my emotions, the more real the things in my domain get. I can easily kill someone in there without wanting to. That's what I tried to manage. My emotions. Oh and I started to use my basic mind control and telekinesis while fights. All I have to do is touch things, people or just a little of their blood, wether with my tools or myself. It doesn't matter. When I control one's mind, my command merges with their thoughts, making them unable to realize what they did with their own will or not."

"Someone more capable of controlling their emotions should've mastered your technique then." "Oh shut up." They started to laugh, when Kayo realized how late it already was. Taking all her clothes, she turned around to her, "I'll transfer the money to your account." "I missed you senpai." Getting reminded of Mei's "Kayo-senpai"'s, she laughed and left the building.

As the sun set, people started to gather around at the port, Kayo being one of them. Special and rare tools were sold on the market there. Seeing cursed energy flying around in forms, Kayo didn't think much about cursed spirits being around. After all, they were everywhere, weren't they?


"Satoru, what's the plan?" "Yaga said that it's going to be here, so we need to find it. Megumi and Maki, you both should wait and look around at the bridge. Stay out of this as much as possible. It'll be done in less than fifteen minutes anyways." He smiled brightly, pushing Shoko on one side, while he went to the other. In the middle of the crowd was Kayo, knowing nothing about the things that were about to happen.

"Mt Fuji curse." Shoko scoffed. "I am a doctor. I should be waiting and healing people." "I think you mean, I should be waiting and drinking or smoking." That voice-

"Finally." Kayo had found the stand where the rare and ancient tools were sold. Most of them had strong cursed energy flowing inside of it, making it able for her to manipulate better. Finding the ones she needed most, she bought most of them, hoping that she had any money left to eat out. "Oh, damn, I'm married." She had totally forgotten that she couldn't just randomly eat out whenever she wanted anymore. "Kayo?" Turning back, she bumped into Naoya, who took the few of her weapons, helping her to carry them out of the crowd.

"Why're you here?" "I had to do some things either, so I asked Nika where you might be, well, what you might buy... and you bought weapons." He looked at them with a disappointed look. "What did you expect me to buy Naoya?" "Stuff that women always buy?" "Women can also buy weapons, Naoya." "Usual stuff... whatever." He gave up on trying because he knew that his point of view was already more different than hers.

"Get out of the way!" "Fire!" "Get out!" "Take the children!" A big crowd got created. It started to move towards them. They both had stopped to look at what was happening. "Are you insane? Run away!" The civilians started to get away from whatever danger was there, when Naoya took Kayo's hip and they suddenly appeared near the fire, "Damn, he's actually too fast."

"Satoru?" Kayo yelled at the blue point in all the fire. Nothing was noticeable anymore. "Ieiri-san." He pointed towards the other end of the market lane, "Shoko is there." Widening her eyes, she let down everything, "Stay here with Satoru, I'll come back." Running the way he had pointed, Kayo couldn't believe the fact that Shoko had agreed on an outside mission. She was never too suicidal enough to go on those. She wasn't weak, her technique was just made for defense, as well as her whole mind.

She was more like the brain of that Suguru, Satoru and Shoko trio.

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