Musical Connections: Part 1

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Y/N's P.O.V

     I closed the black case with an audible click and secured the strap around my chest. I scrambled around Ava's room for some paper and pencils in case I get hit with sudden inspiration.

   Since Ava doesnt have another room I've kinda just been switching between the couch and her bed, all my belongings being stored in her room as well.

   I guess I could have asked the guys if I could stay in there magical pocket dimension but I didn't want to intrude in their space. The only reason I can do that to Ava is because she's my sister and I know my rights.

   I grab a folder to put my paper in and after checking to make sure that I have my favorite guitar pick I shove everything into my bag and make my way into the living room.

  The boys are sitting on the couch, still mesmerized by the fidget spinner, and Ava is in the kitchen feeding Johnny. I walk towards the door and call out to Ava.

  "I'm heading out Ava! I'll be back in a few hours!"

   She looked up from petting Johnny to flash a small smile. "Okay have fun! Be safe and call me if you need anything!"

   "You're leaving?"

  We both turn to see Pierce looking at us from the couch. The question seemed to grab the others' attention as they too look back at us.

  "Leaving? Who's leaving?" Asche asked.

   I sighed at the boys. "I'm just heading to the park to play my guitar, maybe even give a small performance if I'm lucky."

  Ava scoffed. "You say that as if people arent gonna start flocking towards you as soon as they recognize your voice."

   I just gave a shrug. Not a lot of people go to the park these days so it may be a bit more difficult.

   Noi let out an excited gasp. "Oh! We know that place! Ava took us there before! It was fun!" He giggled and my heart just swelled, he's so precious.

  "If I may ask, what is a geetare?" Rhys asked, seemingly interested in the topic.

  "Oh! Well it's a type of string instrument. I was just gonna play a few tunes at the park to get it out of my system." I giggled awkwardly.

  "An instrooment? Is that like a weapon?" Leif asked, still casually spinning the fidget spinner. 

  "No it's nothing like that! Well I guess technically anything is a wea- No! It's like, um, a tool to make music with y'know? I dont know what you call it back home but-"

  "What is music?" I paused in my explanation to stare down Asche.

  "What?" I asked, dumbfounded. My mind went blank. How can they not know what music is?! Like how is that at all possible! Music is literally everywhere!

  "Now look at what you did. You broke her." I could hear Ava say. Asche replied back in a panicked tone and I could hear them shuffling over towards us. I came back to my senses when I felt someone poking my head.

   I came eye to eye with Leif and let out my frustrations. "How do you not know what music is?!" I screeched and they flinched back at my sudden out burst, but I was far from done.

  "Music and sounds are everywhere! Are you're people really so focused on brute strength that they never even considered the beautiful possibility! How do you even live without it! Without something to connect to your soul in a way such few things can achieve!"

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