Boys In Love!

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       Ava's P.O.V

    My head felt fuzzy and I could hear the soft murmurs of people coming from somewhere. They sounded familiar...what happened? I opened my eyes and could see the blurry out line of three people. I could also feel someone relentlessly hitting my cheeks.

   "Ava?! Ava my baby, wake up!"

   "Pumpkin?! Devon this isn't good! She's been passed out longer than ever before!"

   The slapping on my cheeks stopped, followed by the sound of someone standing up.

    "I'm gonna call 911." A more feminine voice spoke. I suddenly felt a bit panicked at the statement. I tried to speak but was only met with coughing. I tried again with much success.

     "W-Wait...I dont need-" I was interrupted by my dad who looked utterly worried. "Pumpkin! Are you alright?!"

      "Oh God, we were so worried about you! You weren't coming to as fast as usual!" Before my pops could continue the another voice spoke that I didnt really catch. I was suddenly drenched in cold water.

    I quickly sat up as the cold water shocked my body into action! "Ah! C-Cold!" I turned to see Marco there, now looking a bit guilty. "Oh she is awake..." While my dad talked with Marco I couldn't help but notice Y/N quickly exit the restaurant. 'Where is she going?'

    I didn't get far with my thought however. "Alright! What should I tell her boyfriend?" This struck a cord in my memory.

    "W-Wait? Noi?" I gasped as the memories came flooding back like a sudden waterfall. Noi being my boyfriend. The date. Y/N showing up. Than the boys-oh my god the boys!

     "W-Where is- Oh no! Where are they?!" Luckily my dad seemed to have an answer but it didn't make me any less worried. "We've asked them to wait outside. Also Ava, you've got some explaining to do."

     "I think we better go out there. It seems that Y/N is giving them a...well let's just say a stern talking to." At the mention of this I got even more worried. Y/N doesn't really yell at people, especially not since she started her career. 'O-Oh no...did the daemos...?"

    Pops helped me up and we headed outside. The first thing we see is Y/N in front of the daemos and she and Asche seem to be in the middle of a heated argument. Noi seemed nervous about it and was trying to convince Asche to stop.

Oh boy.

  Y/N's P.O.V

   "Oh yeah!? That coming from someone who probably skipped all his classes in highschool!" I yelled to the bad boy wannabe. I came out here to give these boys a peice of mind for making Ava stress out and faint, only to hear them talking about wanting to marry Ava! Uh-uh! Not on my watch!

     And than the bad boy had the audacity to insult my intelligence and common understanding! How dare he!?

    "I dont know what that means but it sounded like an insult! Who do you think you are?!" Were these guys foreign or something? Ugh! Doesnt matter!

    "I'm Ava's sister! That's who! Meaning that it's my job to make sure she doesn't date some creep like you!" At that moment all the boys seemed to freeze except Noi, he just looked a little frustrated. The dark skinned boy, or Rhys, was the one to speak up. "Ava's sister? But that would mean..." Noi huffed. "That's what I was trying to tell you!"

   I was left confused. What were they talking about? I didn't get to ask since Ava and Dads were approaching. Ava still looked a bit shaken. "She's alright Noi," my dad began, "...and friends?" He seemed uncertain if that was the right term to use. Devon looked at Ava sternly. "Ava would you please care to tell us what's going on?"

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