Musical Connections: Part 3

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   "Ah! What are you people doing in my shop?!"

     The boys stopped their bickering and turned their attention to the newcomer by the entrance. Noi and I did the same and when I saw who was at the door I couldn't help but let out a small gasp.
      There was a tall dark skinned man, his legs appearing to make up most of his body. His hair was gray and his skin was spotted from old age. His eyes were a warm brown and had laugh lines near his eyes and mouth.

  He had on his burgundy red suspenders that I can remember playfully snapping when he wasn't looking when I was younger. And of course he still had that old gray paperboy hat that has seen better days, but he claims it gives it character.

   He was carrying a case and I didn't need to look twice to understand what was nestled inside. That same case almost flew out of his hands once I tackled him, almost sending us both to the floor.

    He let out a winded wheeze as I squeezed him. From behind me I can distantly hear one of the boys saying that I must be squeezing him to death for disrupting us.

     I let the old man go to gain his breath back and gleamed up at him. "Mr. Thompson!" After readjusting his cap he finally looked down at me, his face promptly stretched out into a smile. "Why I be damned! Little Y/N is dat you?"

   I rolled my eyes playfully. "No it's the tax collectors. We know that you've been evading your taxes!"

   He quickly played along with the bit as if I was still ten years old. "Ah tax collectors? You've got the wrong guy!" He grabbed one of the fliers off the counter and started to daintily fan his face like some old Victorian woman.

    "I am merely a sweet old lady that pays all of her taxes on time! Mhm! Yes ma'am I do!"

  His voice rose in pitch and his accent turned posh and British for some reason. "I just got out of church! Mhm I did! Good law abiding Christian woman that's me!"

    "Aha!" I pointed my finger at him accusingly. "There is no such thing as a good Christian person! You're caught!" He raised his hands up in mock defeat.

    "Ah you've got me!" His voice immediately dropped back to his southern accent. "Tell my kids I love them! Tell my wife to move on without me!" His voice than took on a mock sour tone. "But not to my cousin Jimmy! That good for nothin'! Tell him to stay away from my wife!"

   I laughed at him and his desperate last words. "You don't have kids! Or a wife! Or a cousin named Jimmy!"

   He paused in his ramblings to think. "Oh you're right! But y'know what I do have?"

"What?" I giggled. He motioned me in closer and shifted his eyes around as if he was about to tell me the secrets to the Krabby Patty formula. When I was close enough for his liking he started to whisper in my ear.

   "What I do" A sudden loud, bright, toot played right next to my ear and I immediately pulled back, startled. I could barely hear the old fart laughing through the ringing in my ears.

   "What I do have are two functioning eardrums!" He gaffawed and hollered as I rubbed my ears and glared at the trumpet he was holding that just appeared from thin air.

   After he calmed down he strode up to me with his long legs and ruffled my hair. "It's good to see you Doodle! You look well! But what in God's name are you doing in here? Did you not see the closed sign?!" He then peered over my head to look behind me. "And with a bunch of...boys no doubt."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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