The Most Impressive Thing

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      Ava's P.O.V

     I sat in my bed not feeling as crummy as I have been for the past few days. Johnny laid asleep next to me, purring gently. I stared at my bedroom door apprehensively, waiting for the trouble to start. I sighed to myself as the feeling of anxiety grew. ""


   I sighed, exasperated, as the boys barged into my room, followed by my sister who seemed slightly bored. "Predictable..." I muttered. "Are you better yet?!" Asch exclaimed, his patience running thin.  "Both Ava, Y/N, and Mrs. Oats said that it will be a few suns before Ava-"

     "She's taking forever to recover!" Asch cut Noi off. All this noise wasnt doing my headache any favors. I glanced over towards my younger sister for some type of help but she seemed to be distracted with her own thoughts. "She's awake on her own today." Peirce pointed out.

    My headache grew as I was reminded of last night. "Yeah, no thanks to Leif." He had the nerve to just give a stupid smirk my way and a meaningless oops. Asch questioned him but only received another mischievous smirk. "I kept her busy last night. Hehehe!"

    Y/N's head shot up as she turned towards my direction with a cocked eyebrow and a few death glares to Leif. Before she could start accusing us of anything I explained Leif's annoying obsession with poking me while I slept. "...And he kept poking me throughout the night. Look he's doing it right now."

    Realization dawned on Leif's face as he noticed the weapon still pointed at my head. "Oh...oops." "Cut it out you-" Asch was cut off by Noi asking if I was doing better. At least someone here is a bit sympathetic! "I'm feeling much better. Thank you guys for taking care of me..." Noi blushed deeply as he stuttered out a yes.

      "Where's Rhys?" I asked, noticing the lack of a certain dark skinned demon. "Good question. Rhys! Where are you?!" Asch called out. Rhys strolls into the room with more of a bounce in his step then usual. "I'm here! And I'm alive!" I could here Y/N snort out a laugh from the corner. I then noticed something new about Rhys. "Wait you have glasses?"

   I couldn't stop the blush from rising on my cheeks. The glasses suit him well and brings out his eyes. They fit his personality well as a scholar. Rhys didnt say anything as he rushed towards me and took my hands into his own. My blush deepened. "W-Why are you holding her hands?!" Noi asked defensively.

      But Rhys just ignored him as he continued to stare at me with those deep blue eyes of his. "Princess Ava...I can see your face clearly now!" "Where did you get those." I asked trying to move the conversation away from my face.

   "The wise sage Mrs. Oats bestowed them upon me. At first I wasnt sure what had happened. I assumed she just casted a spell on me...but..these are lasting longer than ANY other spell we tried on Daemos!"

   "What are you talking about?" Leif asked clearly not understanding the situation. "Lady Grandma and I have been working  on solving the issue with my vision distance. We've casted a few spells but they were only for a period of time. But these "glosses" are lasting for as long as they are on my face."

      "Yeah that's what glasses do..." How much technology do they lack on in there world? "Well it's wonderful!" I took the chance to study Rhys' face. He looked so much more handsome when he was happy. His eyes held a certain glow that made me want to listen to him rant about what he's learned.

    It's endearing. Like watching a child come back home from their first day of school. "I cant believe we've never looked into something like this on Daemos!" The other's cogwheels must have started turning. "Wait those last forever." Noi pointed out in awe. "Let me see..." Asch demanded curiously.

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