Fangirl and Finding Out

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      'Why am I doing this?' I thought desperately as I stood in front of my sister's apartment door. 'How could I have let them talk me into this!'

     After waking up from a sugar induced coma I was greeted by my loving parents with my suitcases packed up (right after I had finished unpacking them!) and them having  nervous grins on their faces.

   "Um...What's going on? Did Tashi call? Is my break over?" It would have been disappointing if I was all hyped up for such a long break and than have to leave so soon. "No no! Nothing like that!" Pops stuttered, that nervous grin still on his fast. "Well it's just that, me and your father came up with an idea."

    Dad cleared his throat. "We would like it if you stayed over at Av>a's for the rest of your break, to keep an eye on her!" He chuckled nervously. "We know it's kinda sudden but we're worried about her and those boys y'know?"

   I blinked a couple of times. "You do realize she's older than me right? She's an adult!" Pops just scoffed. "Oh c'mon Y/N. We all know that with your line of work you're a bit more mature for your age." I thought back to just the other day when I had a burnt toast funeral. "Yeah...mature..." I sweat dropped.

    "C'mon! Just think about all the time you can spend together! And you can make sure that none of those boys get too handsy." I did like the sound of putting a bunch of arrogant boys in their places. "No way! I trust Ava! She's an adult and can handle herself perfectly-"

    "We'll buy you the next season of My Little Horsies."


   "Oh yeah now I remember..." I said to myself as I cradled the DvD set that displayed a colorful assortment of adorable cartoon horses. "Sorry Ava but Pinkie Cake is waiting for me!" I exclaimed as I barged into her apartment. She should really start locking her doors.

     "Ava! I got some news for you!" I exclaimed, a bit nervous. However, the living room and kitchen were empty. 'She must still be sleeping in her room.' I thought. I didn't bother to knock on her door because knowing her that wouldn't do much. But to my surprise she wasn't there.

      "Where could that girl be?" If she wasn't in her apartment where else could she be? Maybe she went to one of those boys' house. I dont like the idea but I should have a bit more faith in her. I sigh. "Well I should go ahead and bring my stuff in while I wait."

      After dragging my bags into Ava's room I took out a box of Frosty Charms from my bag. I'm not really supposed to have them because of my diet but I just love the sugary cereal too much! I went to Ava's kitchen to see where she usually kept her cereal. I opened one cupboard to find it empty.

    'Well definitely not there.' I thought to myself and moved to the next cabinet just to find that one empty too! At this point I was frantically checking everywhere but could barely find anything to keep a full human functioning. 'How is she still alive?!'

      I crossed my arms and huffed in defeat. "Ugh. She better be lucky that I make money." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my wallet, phone, mask, and sunglasses. I'll just head to the store and get us some groceries then. Though this would be my first time going grocery shopping on my own. Usually either my parents or Tashi would be with me.

       "I'll just figure it out when I get there!"



  'Why is grocery shopping so hard?!'

   I've been at the grocery store for at least an hour and got stuck on what kind of meats had the best quality and price. I was able to get some things like lunchables, icecream, chips, drinks, and Ava's favorite cereal. But than I realized that all of it, except for the cheese and bread, were all junk food!

A Pop Star's Wish (My Inner Demons x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now