The Date

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Y/N's P.O.V

     As we sat at the table, with me squished between my dads, I couldn't help but notice that Ava's boyfriend was looking around the room with fascination and awe. It was as if he's never been in a restaurant before. Maybe he is foreign and isn't used to places like this.

     "So...Noi was it?" Devon asked, trying to start up a conversation only to be met with a gasped from the boy. "How did you know?!" The boy seemed amazed and shocked. I chuckled lightly to myself. His mannerisms were adorable.

    "Um Ava mentioned four name in the apartment." Andrew stated with a chuckle towards the end. Ava stuttered a bit, most likely because she had forgotten that she mentioned it. "O-Oh yeah! I had forgotten."

    "Trust me I listen to things carefully." Devon said proudly. Andrew coughed to get his husbands attention. "We both listen carefully. The only difference is that Devon here will bring it up three weeks later when you dont wash the dishes." Andrew had a mocking tone to his voice as he complained about his husband's habit.

    "How hard is it to put them in the dishwasher!?" Before this could to turn into a whole argument I nudged my pops and gestured with my head to the two on front of us. He got the hint and cleared his throat.

    "Sorry, back to the conversation. I did want to ask, how did you meet our sweet baby?" I looked at the two, also interested in hearing how they met. Knowing Ava she probably just bumped into them at the grocery store or something.

     Noi giggled. "Oh you see I met sorceress Ava in the back of her home where no one could see us-" He was cut off by Ava who placed a hand over his mouth. She looked panicked. "Whoops you got some pizza on you!" She said as she chuckled nervously.

    I narrowed my eyes at her with suspicion. "But we haven't even gotten the pizza." I stated. "Oh I' hungry that I didn't even um...we met at the" We looked at her with confusion. "The arcade dance?" Andrew asked, just as confused as us.

     "Um yeah!" Ava exclaimed as she took her hand away from Noi's mouth. "It was a masked ball. I was wondering around the room and suddenly our eyes met. We didn't know who each other was but we knew that we loved each other. Than we exchanged Instagrams because Noi didn't have a phone and...yeah."

     Devon gasped. "That sounds just like Romeo and Juliet!" I made the connection and grew even more suspicious. "Suspiciously similar to Romeo and Juliet." I said. Andrew ran his hand through his hair. "But that would explain why you made an Instagram account out of nowhere."

     "It does? Oh yeah wait it does!" She seemed relieved until Devon made a smart observation. "But I thought you could only use Instagram on the phone?" I was going to elaborate on this but Ava was saved by the bell as the waiter came back out with the pizza.

   "Here you go! One pepperoni pizza with your favorite Ava...a smiley face!" The waiter introduced the pizza happily with his Italian accent. The pizza here was good but I'm more of a burger person. My dad thanked the waiter happily.

   "Oh and Miss Y/N I saw your performance last night on YouTube! Another spectacular performance as usual! I'm glad that you're on a hiatus. You deserve a break!" The waiter exclaimed happily. My face flushed red, even after all this time I'm still not used to the random praise.

   "Thank you Fabio! I couldn't have done it without supporters like you!" A sudden realization came upon me. What if Noi found out that Ava was my sister and was only dating her to get closer to me or for some kind of flex?! I turned back toward the boy who was gazing at the pizza with awe.

    I dont care how adorable he is! If my theory is correct I will destroy him! How could anyone be so heartless to mess with my big sister's heart! Is that why Ava was being so suspicious? Does she know Noi's plan? She must feel awful!

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