The Bonding Ritual

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    Rhys' P.O.V

        Watching Mrs. Oats' potion brewing was fascinating. Was this how all humans mixed their potions? But then what was that loud bowl for in Princess Ava's private room? Perhaps a spare? I pushed up my new piece of human sorcery that I had acquired from Mrs. Oats.

      It has come apparent that I have developed a new habit of pushing up my new "glasses" when in thought. At least that's what Mrs. Oats has informed me. As I continued to read off the instructions to Mrs. Oats I stole a glanced towards Princess Y/N who appeared to be sitting on the "couch".

        She has been very silent since we told her about our true identities as daemos, only speaking to greet Mrs. Oats. I would be lieing if I said I wasn't scared. What if she's plotting on how to kill us? Is she the merciful type with a quick and painless death? Or we'll she take more joy out of torturing us with her human sorcery, watching as we slowly struggle to take our lasts breathe?

        I didn't realize that I had lost focus until Mrs. Oats spoke up causing me to jump. "There!" I turned towards her as she held a bowl of what I'm assuming to be the "Potato Soup Potion". "What does it do?" I inquired, curious about what type of abilities it could give. She simply offered me a taste of the potion.

         As I took a sip my mouth seemed to have metaphorically exploded as a rush of new flavors seemed to fight in my mouth, but yet it was also warm and filled me with that same warmth to the brim. A complete contrast to the icecream Princess Ava had shown me but yet I still favored the cold nourishment. Still...

        "This is the best potion I've ever tasted!" Apparently what I said must have been uncommon, judging by the look Mrs. Oats gave me. "Are you all high or something? The way you boys speak sounds otherworldly." Before she could continue we were interrupted from the sound of Noi's shrieking and Asch's yelling.

        Mrs. Oats just laughed. "Back into the fun I see!" I just groaned in annoyance. I'm sure the princess is alright, cant they use their common sense every once in awhile? I watched as Princess Y/N went into the room. I trust she will be able to reassure them that Princess Ava is alive.

      "Alright then. I think it's time I head back home." Mrs. Oats said as she started to put away the potion mixers. "Already? Are you sure? What if we mess up and accidentally hurt her?" We couldn't have the Princess dieing! Even if we do have a second option now it would only anger the younger princess, making it much more difficult.

      "It's sweet how much you care but you don't need to worry so much! After all, you have Ms. Wish with you now and I'm sure she is more then capable of taking care of Ava." There's that name again. I've heard other's refer to the younger princess as such. But what does it mean? Is it an alias of sorts? But what would a princess need an alias for?

      Is she so powerful that she needs to hide her real identity from onlookers in fear of death. It would explain her reaction to the small crowd of humans- no that wouldn't be right. That other human who fawned over her knew what she looked like and even took a camera with her. So many questions.
       "Here I'll lend you my cook book to help you out, since I'm sure not even Ms. Wish knows how to cook." She said with a laugh. "I'll see you kids later!" And with that Ms. Oats was gone and I had a new source to study! How exciting! All these human potions for me to practice. My moment of joy was interrupted by the rest coming out of Ava's room.

          "Ugh! How many times is the human going to fall unconscious?!" Prince Asch whined. "I'm sure it's normal human behavior during illness." I reassured Asch. My eye soon traveled to Princess Y/N and I quickly made my way over to her with the potion in my hand. She sent a warning glare towards me and I stopped in my tracks.

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