Time For A Break

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        You waved and smiled towards a screaming crowd of people as you sunk lower into the ground. Once you were fully out of sight of the sea of people you took in a deep breath to relax yourself.

       Unfortunately your moment of peace was short lived as you were pulled through another crowd of people, this time a bunch of staff members, who were busy cleaning up equipment, congratulating you and running around doing things that you weren't sure of.

       You didn't even have time to think as you were placed in a chair with a mirror in front of you, giving you a clear view of your H/C hair that was curled to perfection and falling nicely on your shoulders, and your E/C eyes that were currently watching your manager behind you order a few people around as you got your makeup removed.

        "C'mon people! Move it faster! I'm sure we all want to go home as fast as possible! As much fun as the tour was I'm sure we all can be glad that it's done!" Ah yes. This was your last show on your world tour. You were kinda sad to see it end, it was your first world tour after all. It sure didn't feel like it's been four months. You got to meet so many fans all over the world and it was interesting learning about different cultures.

         Your stylist had just finished removing your makeup and had pulled your hair in a ponytail for you. You gave her a quiet thank you as she left, not wanting to speak too much since you have been singing for hours.

         That's when your manager Tashi
pulled up a chair and sat next to you. "So kid," he started, "How do you feel? Your world tour is finished. You must be relieved." He pushed back his curly black hair as he waited for your reply.

           You huffed dramatically and sprawled yourself dramatically across your chair. "I don't think I would be able to bear another day! The tour was fun and I love my fans but I am EXAUGHSTED!" You just wanted to go back to your dorm room and sleep your life away, a trait you may have picked up from your sister.

         Tashi smiled at you. "I thought you might say that! Which is why I think it's time for a break!" He gave you a closed eyed smile with some weird jazz hands that made you cringe. "Stop with the jazz hands Tashi, don't be a boomer." You snarked playfully. "And yeah going on a break for a couple days sounds good."

          You stood up to help the staff, thinking that was the end of the conversation, but he quickly grabbed you by the shoulder and sat you back down. "No, No, No Starshine. I think you misunderstood. I want you to go on a long hiatus for maybe a couple months or a year."

      If you were drinking something right now you would have spit it over Tashi and his brand new Hamilton t-shirt. "I'm what?! No-I can't! The fans-" He lifted his finger cutting you off and you had the impulse to bite it. "Your fans will be fine. I'm sure they'll understand and as long as you still post on social media they'll be fine. Though I would like it if you would try not to be on social media too much either."

         He narrowed his eyes as he glared at you. "And I mean an ACTUAL break. That means no practicing at all. You're seventeen you should be allowed to live a little." You just sighed. Honestly Tashi was like your third dad, sometimes you would even go as far as to call him Manager Pops. You rolled your eyes. "Fiiiiiiine. I'm sure I can find something to do in the dorms for the time being."

         Tashi smirked. "Oh no. You ma'am, are going home." You sputtered like a dolphin out of water. "Home?! Like with Dad, Pops, and Ava?! That home?!" You hadn't been home since you were 14, deciding to stay in a dorm in a different state since it was closer to work. You usually try to call them to keep them updated but since the tour started you've been slacking.

        You could feel the excitement bubble inside you, evaporating all of the fatigue within you from the tour. It has been awhile since you've talked to them and you missed your family a lot. Though you most likely would get an earful from your pops about not calling them for four months.

A Pop Star's Wish (My Inner Demons x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now