Musical Connections: Part 2

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As I watched the boys disperse around the store I couldn't help but feel slightly proud. A single tear coming to my eye and all that mess.

I scanned the shop, keeping an eye out for any questions or crashing sounds. It was only then that I realized that no one was at the checkout/help desk. Whoever was working here was really bad at their job.

Do they just let anyone work here now? I sighed and moved my attention back towards the clueless demons. My gaze landed on Pierce, who's head was slightly tilted in what I can only assume is curiosity.

I made my way over to find myself gazing with him in front of the string section. I glanced in his direction.

"Anything interesting you?"

He gave a nod and a quiet yes before carefully picking up a violin. I was pleasantly surprised at the choice. It's actually kinda funny. A big guy like Pierce playing such a small delicate instrument.

"That's a violin," I start to explain, "It's a string instrument. Like my guitar." As I talked I moved the instrument into place below his chin and showed him how to move the bow.
As I was teaching him the rest of the boys gradually made their way over to investigate the new device.
I stepped back and did a once over to make sure he was holding it correctly before giving a nod.
"Okay, now just move the bow back and forth against the strings. Be gentle."

He gave a firm nod and did as I instructed. He paused as soon as it made a sound and gave me and the others a quick glance before continuing. I can see it in his eyes that this might just be it.
He removed the instrument from his chin and studied it before looking back at me with certain gaze.

"This one is...much better than the chumpet." I gave him an encouraging smile. "That's great Pierce! The violin is such a pretty sounding instrument. Honestly I didn't expect for-"

I was interrupted by a loud crash coming from further into the store. We all whipped our heads around to see Lief standing over a pair of cymbals and looking like Ava does when I catch her watching anime.

Once his eyes locked on mine he immediately got defensive.

"It wasn't me! I swear! It was uh a huge windstorm! It just flew in and...attacked me and these round shiny shields! I didn't mean to break them please don't kill me!"

As he went on his little rant I walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Lief, you didn't break anything."

"I-I didnt?" He asked hesitantly. I chuckled. "No, a lot of percussion instruments are pretty durable considering you need to hit them to play them." A spark seemed to alight inside him at my words, a sharp-toothed grin appearing on his face.

"Wait, so are you saying I'm allowed to hit them?" I felt a drop of sweat on my brow from hesitancy. "W-Well yes, it's the only way to play them after all. Here I'll show you."

I made my way towards the biggest drum in the corner and grabbed a big mallet with a fuzzy top.

"This is a bass drum. A lot of what the percussion do, besides giving the rest of the band more rhythm and style, is help keep time." I noticed the rest of the boys making their way over . I assume they stayed back to see if I would actually kill Lief.

"The bass drum," I continued, "is best at helping keep time. The rest of the band might be listening out for them to make sure they are going the right pace. Of course this isn't always the case."

I tossed the mallet in the air and caught it before, without warning, striking the drum as hard as I could. The boys all screamed at the thunderous boom that reverberated through the store.

A Pop Star's Wish (My Inner Demons x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now