Ava's Boyfriend

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Y/N's  P.O.V

        'I can't believe this. How could I have let something like this happen!? I should have been paying more attention! I should have watched closer! How could I have been so careless! Such a fool!'

    I was on my knees in the kitchen wallowing in my own self pity. I had allowed something terrible to happen. I kept telling myself that it wasn't just me. Ava was blamed for this too but...I couldn't help but put it all back on my shoulders.

For I had burned the toast.

   I cradled the toast in my hands as I said a silent pray for my two fallen bread-rens. 'Do not worry my crispy friends. I will give you a burial you deserve.' I than proceeded to dress the toast in butter suites with little butter bowties. I quickly took a picture of the toast funeral and posted it on my Instagram and Twitter so my fans can grieve with me.

    I began to lower the toast into their dark and warm burial ground. Or as normal people would say, I ate the toast.

   I balled my hands into fists and looked up towards the ceiling, my mouth still full of awful tasting toast. "I swear to you Ava! I'll get you back for this! One day!"

    It was at that moment that I felt a vibration from my butt. I took out my phone to see a text from my dad Andrew.

Mr. Mayor Dad👨‍💼
As much as we love your undying love for crispy yeast, we would love it more if you would get ready and meet us at the restaurant

    'Oh right! I almost forgot!' Before I had started my hours of grieving I had found out about Ava's Instagram and all those handsome men on it. I had to admit I was shocked at the sight. I didn't know Ava had any friends. I always tried to let her hang out with my friends back when we were kids but she was older than us so I guess she thought it was a lame idea.

     Pops was worried that Ava was doing videos but I didn't see what was so bad about making YouTube videos. I mean that's how I got my popularity.

      I shook my head at the thoughts as I finished getting ready. I grabbed my cap and sunglasses to hide my face from any fans or haters that might be near. I even grabbed one of those face masks that I've seen a few k-pop idols wear. I didn't bring a purse since I prefer to carry my items in my jacket pockets. And plus there was no way I was carrying a purse again after the Rogue Fan and Eggplant incident.

     I shuddered at the memory as I walked towards the restaurant. "I still can't believe Ava has a boyfriend. She didn't seem like the type, if you know what I mean. I wonder what he's like?"

     I was totally aware that I was talking to myself but when you do as many live videos as I did you start to get use to it.

   I could see the restaurant a few feet away along with my dads, Ava, and a taller boy who must be Ava's boyfriend. I took a deep breath as I started getting nervous. I didn't want to make a bad first impression.

   As I got closer Pops was the first one to notice me. "Well there she is! It's about time young lady!" Pops sad playfully with a wink. Immediately Ava and the boy turned around and the expressions were as expected.

   Ava's boyfriend was taller than me and Ava but he seemed slim. His confused face held a childish charm that just made him feel approachable. He wore a snap back on top of his reddish-brown curls of hair that matched his eyes amber eyes. I had to admit, he was very good looking. I could definitely see him being the teenage heartthrob of the year.

    "Y/N!? What are you doing here?!" I pulled my attention away from the boy and to my older sister. She looked surprised, like I was expecting, but she also seemed...worried? I decided to brush it off and joke around with her.

      "Wow! Not even a hello! No 'I'm so happy to see you!' I see how it is!" I crossed my arms and gave a fake pout. She just rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Jeez no need to be dramatic." She opened her arms and gave me a hug which I returned. "Of course I missed you! It's been years! What are you doing here? Is there a concert here?"

   I sweat dropped. "Have you really not been keeping track of my concerts." She laughed nervously. "Haha...well you know I've been busy and all with finding a job so..."

    I just rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever Ava, anyways this isn't about me," I turned to face the boy, "this is about him." I held out my hand for him to shake. "Hi! My name is Y/N. I'm Ava's sister!" This seemed to shock him as he looked between me and Ava.

    "You have a sister?! Is she also as powerful as you?" I was confused for a second until I realize it must be a compliment. "You think Ava's powerful?! Well that's sweet!" It honestly made me so happy to see Ava with someone who saw her in such a way.

    Ava just chuckled awkwardly. "Haha yeah! We're both very powerful women! Yeah girl power! Hey I have an idea! Why dont you go inside with Dads to get a table while me and Noi have a chat okay? Okay!"

   I didn't even get to say anything as she pushed me inside the building.

"So his name's Noi? Interesting."

Ava's P.O.V

"Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god! I  had no idea that Y/N was here! This could be a problem!" I was about ready to pull my hair out.

"Wow! She must be really powerful if even you are worried!" Noi exclaimed.

   "Noi I don't think you understand the severity of this. Y/N isn't like my dads. She's super observant and knows how to put two and two together! If anyone was gonna find out about you guys it would be her!" She's always been like that. When ever we watched mystery shows on T.V as kids she could always solve it before the detectives did.

    She loved theories and conspiracies even if she knew they couldn't be true. "Wait! She can find out about us being Daemos?! How powerful is she?" I just sighed. "Very...Just be careful about what you say around her Noi."

He nodded. "I'll try not to fail you Ava!"

"Great now hold my hand so it looks like we're actually dating."

We were interrupted by Y/N coming back out. "Hey what's taking you two so lon-" she gasped as she saw our intertwined hands. "Oh my god! Dads they're holding hands! And they're blushing!"

I'm going to kill her.

My dad's came rushing outside gawking over how cute we were and I saw out of the corner of my eye Y/N taking pictures with her phone.

She thinks she's slick. I know she hasn't changed the password to her phone so I'll delete them later.

"C-Can we head in now? I'm sure we're all ready to eat yeah?"

"Ah! You're absolutely right! Can't let my babies starve! Let's head in!" Pops grabbed Dad's hand and lead us to the table. My dads and sister sat across from me and Noi. It felt almost like an interrogation and with Y/N here it might as well be.

Let's just hope this date goes as planned.



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