Freedoms Cost

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"Come on Levi, you can do it!" Hange shouted.

For an hour Hange had been trying to get Levi to trigger his abnormal ability, so far no such luck.

Levi's frustration was rising.

They were in the middle of nowhere. So no one could see them.

"I'm trying!" He snapped.

"Try harder" Hange told him.

Levi wished it would work so he could shoot Hange with lightning.

"I heard that!" She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Good!" Levi replied shortly.

Mike was watching them from a tree nearby, he was leaning up against it watching Levi and Hange bicker with amusement.

Levi tried to concentrate again, it shouldn't be this hard to control, once you got your abnormal ability Mike told him it should be easy to use but so far nothing.

"Well what were you feeling when you used it?" Hange prodded, walking up to him.

"I'm not sure, I wasn't exactly in the best state of mind!" Levi grunted, seriously thinking about strangling her.

"You were furious, blood thirsty and pretty much any negative emotion was inside you fuelling the fire" Mike said, Levi and Hange jumped a bit, they'd forgotten he was there.

"Well lets get you in that mood again!" Hange said, clapping her hands together in glee.

Levi and Mike both stared at each her.

"You want him to be like when he almost destroyed that town and could have killed us?" Mike asked dryly, raising his eye brows at her.

Hange flushed, quickly realising what she had said, looking a little sheepish "Oh yeah...maybe not"

"Actaully it sounds fine to me, just leave me alone with Hange, and I'll see what I can do" Levi said, scowling at her.

"Hey, hey, no need to be hasty right?" Hange said, quickly stepping away from Levi's death glares and putting her hands up in a surrender like motion.

Mike chuckled at their antics.

"Thats enough for one day, we'd better go" Mike said.

Levi and Hange followed him as they went towards their horses.

Levi sighed as he stared at all the paper work he had to feel out, he was starting to understand why whenever he saw Erwn, Erwin had a shit ton of paper work on his desk.

So this was what it was like to be a superior in the military?

It sucked.

No pun intended...

Levi's mind had been racing with the last few days and what the skin walker had told him.

Levi set himself things he had to do to clear his mind and the world he lived in would make sense again.

He needed to find the Skin Walkers son and tell him of his mothers passing, he felt like he owed it to her.

He needed to find out who the Blood Master was and what Soul Eaters where, they didn't sound very friendly.

And... Levi looked down at a picture he had found of supposed famous doctor...

Doctor Yeager.

His son...

Eren Yeager.

All this seemed to revolve around this boy. Maybe if he found him things would start to make sense, start to go back to normal.

Right...Eren Yeager...

Where are you?

Finally someone had chosen him and a few other people to save humanity, a load of bullshit thats what Levi thought... however the Skin Walker had also told him this person who had chosen him had also told Erwin about him.

This person was the reason Erwin captured him.

The reason Erwin turned him.

The reason his life had changed so drastically.

He had to find them, no matter the cost.

"Levi! come here! I need to talk to you" Erwin's voice hollered through the walls.

Even though Levi wondered what he wanted now and was busy but he found himself responding anyway to Erwin's call.

Walking out of the door towards Erwin's office.

The strange thing was how his body had reacted, like Erwin had used the sire bond on him but...Erwin promised not to do that right?

A jolt of shock went through his body as he realised something.

He could tell, he used to be able to tell if it was himself or the sire bond when he did Erwin's bidding but...


He'd started being unable to tell if it he was doing these things under his own control or not.

Was he following Erwin because Erwin had promised to wipe out the ordinary vampires and despite everything Erwin had done Levi might still care? 

Or was it the Sire bond, that could control him like he was tied to strings and Erwin was moving the strings, he was the puppeteer and Levi was the puppet, like Erwin said All vampires followed their sires, no matter what.


I can't tell the difference any more... 

The reality of freedom was so difficult to grasp...


Continued Sequel is called Freedoms Love.

Hope you enjoyed my story and thank you so much for reading xxx

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