The Start

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"I thought I told you to stay away" Levi growled as Farlan and Isobel, along with their little group sat along side him at lunch time the next day. 

"And we've decided not to listen" Farlan said way to carmly. 

Levi glared at him. 

"HEY GUYS! Our training starts soon, isn't this so exiting!" Jessica praticaly Levi's ear. 

"Whats so exiting about it? We do it everyday Jess" Farlan said, taking a drink from his cup of water. 

"But I want to see how well the newbie does!" Jessica said, eagerly looking Levi up and down. 

Levi raised his eyebrows at her interested stare. 

Did she know it was rude to stare at people. 

"Yeah, we'll see if the little mans as tough as his bark. He didn't seem it the way that women took him down" A voice sneered behind them. 

A look of irritation was on Farlans face as he sighed "Go away Kian" 

Kian was a tall boy with curly brunette hair, he was smirking down at them. He ignored Farlan, looking at Levi. 

Isobel defended "The Solder who beat him was Hange Zoe. She's like one of Commanders right hand lady, she'd beat all of us hands down, it doesn't make him weak to be beaten by her" 

"I wasn't talking to you bitch" Kian snapped. 

Farlan growled "Don't talk to her like that!" 

"Why not? She's a bastards child anyway. Shame they don't put the same sentace on the child as the parents" Kian sneered. 

Isobel's eyes widened, dispelief in them and saddness, as well as a deep shame. 

Levi's eyes widened as he looked at Isobel. Her parents were not married? He hadn't known that... 

An odd feeling of guilt as he remembered the horrible fate the girl he'd found in the Underground had for being a single mother. 

Isobel's parents must have had the death sentace... 

Though her mother must have kept her a secret pretty well. If the mother was found to be unmarried and still pregnant they both were killed. 

If the baby was born before then the baby was taken away, then the mother and if they were able to find the father would either be thrown in the Underground City or killed. 

Farlan snapped, standing up he banged his fist against the table as he snarled at Kian "Say one more word I dare you!" 

Isobel looked like she was going to cry. 

Boris suprisingly gentle despite his large frame comforted her. 

"I'm f-fine" She muttered. 

"He shouldn't have brought it up" Boris said softly. 

Samual seemed to scared of Kian to intervene in anyway. 

Levi watched the scene unfold. 

With Farlan and Kian both snarling at each other like wolves. 

"You know I thought you were a pig as soon as I layed eyes on you. I'm glad I correct in that judgement" Levi said, without emotion. 

All eyes turned on Levi, though his focus was on Kian. 

"How about this. If you don't beat me at hand to hand combat, that we have in the evening. It said that on our timetable I believe? You leave everyone here apart from me alone" Levi said. 

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