Its Time

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Levi stood in Erwins office. Eyeing some of Erwin's messy papers on the desk critically, couldn't the man seriously tidy up? Maybe if he just moved a few bits and it would look-

"Levi, please don't try and tidy my desk while I'm not here" Erwin said tiredly, coming in. Making Levi stiffen in suprise, dam he should wear a bell? How could Erwin sneak up on him like that? 

It had been a three weeks since the unfortunate accident..

Levi had spent all his hours at Erwins side, silently plotting ways to kill the man though most of them wouldn't work but it gave him great plesure in imageing they did. 

He had nice dreams... 

Though Levi hated to admit that killing Erwin slowly started to seem less and less appealing.

He wasn't sure why... 

Maybe it had been the way Erwin hadn't asked him any stupid questions or humiliated him in public since he got here. 

Maybe it was how the Commander had let him brake down in his office once he got here. Only sometimes when Levi needed it offoring comforting words. 

Or maybe it had been Isabel's scap book Erwin had saved then gave to Levi for him to remember them by. 

He'd flipped through the pages hurridly. 

To his suprise there were just as many photo's of him in awkward positions as all the others, he'd thought there would be less. 

Isabel had liked to call him big brother in her scrap book. 

She had named for everybody else as well. 

Farlan, the chesire cat and her second big brother.

Boris, the cute bull. 

Jessica, the crazy cat. 

Samaul, the puppy. 

There were many pictures of them all together. 

Levi had held it to his chest and tried not to become a sobbing mess. It had become one of his most treasured persesions. 

Then Erwin called him to his office once night. 

Levi waited for him, wondering if he could tidy up the Commanders desk before he got here. 

Erwin interupted him before he could do anything. 

"Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Levi asked, his voice deadpan. 

Erwin sat on the desk as he said seriously, watching Levi intensly "Yes there is, actaully. Samaul was one of your freinds yes?" 

"He was an comrade, why?" Levi asked... 


The words still was fresh in his head... 

And it still hurt... 

But he couldn't let himself get distracted. 

"Because a couple of days ago it is finally safe to collect the bodies" Erwin said carmly. 

Levi tensed, his hands tightening into fists. 

"Yes? And why do I need to know this?" Levi growled. 

"Because, we didn't find Samuals body" Erwin said, watcing Levi very closly. 

Levi frowned in confusion. 

Erwin said grimly, watchin Levi's reaction with intese eye "We found a large wolfs body where his human body should be" 

Levi's mouth hung open in shock, unable to stop the reaction. 

That couldn't be true right? Only werewolves turned into wolves 5 hours after they died! It was said to be their true form. They only accessed that true form in death.

 But Samaul couldn't be... 

"The wolf had the same colour eyes than him and he had the same fatal wounds" Erwin said slowly, he carried on ignoring Levi's shock "We think he might have be a lone wolf, an omega without a pack. Thats why he seemed to have normal human strengths, Omega's become very weak without a pack" 

Only Alpha's could get by without needing a proper pack.

Like Vampires Werewolves had three types. 

An Omega, the most commen and the weakest werewolf. 

An Beta, a follower. Stronger than Omega's but weaker than Alpha's. 

Alpha's, the strongest type of werewolf and rarest. Some say they may have special abilitys like the Abnormal Vampires. 

Werewolves start always at an Omega once they are biten, being biten is the only way to be turned into a werewolf. Then after a certain amount of time they will either stay an Omega, rise to Beta or rise to Alpha though that was rare. 

Samaul either didn't rise or was a newbie

Levi's eyes widened when he remembered wheb Samaul had disapered once, that had been a full moon! 


"This'll be quite a shock for you" Erwin said, his hands clasped together. 

"Yes" Levi said slowly, unsure how to react. 

 "So, would you have me leave his body there?" Erwin asked as he expected Levi to say yes. 

His eyes widened "No! Wait! No, I Don't!" 

Erwin leaned in as he said curiously but something else gleamed in those cold eyes "But he is a supernatural. Doesn't humanity believe they should be wiped from existance?" 

"No, I mean, well...Its not his fault he was bit! His still Samaul, still the same guy I knew, he deserves a proper burial like everyone else!" Levi snapped, eyes narrowing furiously, how dare they-

To his suprise Erwin looked...Pleased? 

Very pleased? 

He looked even triumph? 

"Naturally, so I fired two of my solders who wanted to leave the boys body behind" Erwin said with a small smile. 

Levi felt his shoulders sag in relief then he said "T-thank you...Sir" 

Erwin beamed at him. 

Finally showing me respect, we may have made some progress after all Erwin thought. 

Erwin looked Levi up and down. 

Levi's build had changed over the long and gruiling month. 

He'd lost the sickly skin, he looked pale but defiantly not sickly. 

And the starved look his physice seemed to have before despite the lean muscle was gone, he just looked stronger and tougher than ever before. 

Erwin couldn't wait to see what Levi would become as one of them. 

And after all, only people who accpeted the supernatural could transform... 

Thats why it had been so important to let Levi know of his freinds Samauls secret that he'd kept with him to the grave it seemed. 

He dismissed Levi then he called in Hange and Mike. 

He grinned at them darkly. 

"Its Time" He said. 

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