Look How Tightly I'm Chained

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Levi walked down the street, alert to every single sound. Vampire attacks were rare, he'd only delt with five in his life time but he'd heard up top there were vampire attacks every single night, kind of impossible to believe. 

He ignored the beggers along the street, trying not to sneer in disgust. 

With everything stripped away from him his pride was all he had, he would never willingly beg. No, he prefered the more, stealing and murdering life style. 

Levi looked around before entering a dingy trading shop. It was dodgy but every single shop was, they lived from the black market after all. 

The man, Gareth James behind the desk, a big built man though like everyone around here had very pale sickly looking skin, not seeing the sunlight all your life did that to everyone down here. 

"Levi, long time no see" He said, smilying broadly at him. 

Levi scowled "Cut the ballshit James, I came on bussiness, how much is this worth?" 

He brought out the silver watch he'd had hidden in his pocket. 

Gareth's eyes widened, looking extreamly pleased.

"Who'd you murder to get that from?" The man asked, completly serious. 

"I didn't this time, I...found it" Levi said slowly. 

Knowing exactly where he'd got it from. 

Two days ago when he'd saved the girl from the vampire.

The dying girl, one of the reasons why he'd saved her in the first place was because he'd reconised instantly she wasn't from here, therefor might have some interesting objects worth money. 

He'd taken it from her cold corpse wrist. After checking her pockets on her jacket and trowsers of course. Levi wasn't proud of it but he needed the money, how else do you survive a pit hole like this? 

"Mmmm" Gareth James said expecting the watch then he said smiling "You got an interesting thing here, its worth quite a bit, you struck gold!" 

"How much?" Levi asked, narrowing his eyes at Gareth to make sure the trader won't lie to him. 

Anyone who lied to him would soon be lying under a puddle of their own blood, anyone who knew or had met Levi knew this. 

Gareth squirmed under Levi's hard gaze, looking like he was sweating slighly "I-I don't know the number quite yet, I'll need to check what make this watch is, come back tommorow a-at m-miday and I'll k-know by then" 

Something in Gareth's body laugauge wasn't right but Levi was late for a meeting and he knew how much the guy he was meeting didn't like lateness. 

Hopefully he wouldn't be killed for it. 

"You'd betta, you know how much I hate to be kept waiting" He told Gareth dangerously. 

Gareth James gulped, knowing how much Levi was cabable of. 

With that he strode from the shop, there he hit a run, not wanting to be late. 

Levi, swung agily up one of the buildings, running from the crumbled root tops to another. He soon was almost there as he entered a taller building that despite its solidy it looked like it would fall apart any moment but he knew looks could be decieving. 

He suddenly doged a knife flying at him from behind him. 

A strong hand gripped him from behind by his hair, pulling him up a little. Levi far used to being handled by the person this way remained calm ignoring the pain, his expression emotionless and even colder. 

A voice snarled "You know how I hate lateness Levi" 

"Kenny" Levi said icely, in a cold but only slightly respectful greeting. 

He was shoved to the ground, he remained there, expression stotic as he looked up at the serial killer... 

The one who had brought him up and taught him almost everything he knew. 

The hate inside of Levi burned bright but he let none of it show in his face or body laugage. 

Kenny smiked, rotten teeth showing and eyes of a mad man "So, how much was that watch worth?" 

Levi was unable to stop himself stiffening and his hands curling into fists. 

How could he have been so stupid? 

Of course Kenny would know.

Why else would he have wanted to meet after not seeing each other for about 7 months?

Why did this always happen? 

Whenever Levi stole something that may be worthwhile, Kenny always came in and picked it up? 

It was no doubt that Kenny wanted the money. 

Levi knew he'd be humiliated and torchured if he lied or refused. 

"He said he'd tell me the exact number tommorow at mid day" Levi hissed. 

Kenny pulled another knife from his coat, circling Levi's face with it and said smoothly "I don't like your tone boy" 

Levi bit his tong to stop a snarky response. 

Kenny didn't do snark. 

Levi had many scars etched deep into his skin to prove it and serve as a reminder. 

Only Kenny was strong enough to control Levi. 

He'd been four years old when Kenny had taken him in. 

Now at 23 he was almost rid of Kenny but he would pop up into Levi's life at the most inconvinient times and steal from him, its not like Levi could stop him. 

Kenny had made Levi kill someone at the age of six. 

After that many more kills. 

And the monster inside Levi that Kenny had created actaully enjoyed the killing and torchering, to let out all his frustrations, all he had suffered under Kenny over all those years, all that hate and rage built up and up, it felt soo good to release it, even on someone who didn't deserve it. 

"Now you be a good brat and give me the money the trader gives you and we won't have any problems, undertand boy?" 

Levi glared at him. 

Kenny's knife dug into Levi's left cheek, blood dripped freely. 

"Understood?" He said again. 

"Understood" Levi replied, his voice back to being emotionless. 

Though his eyes anything but, they were hard as flint.

Levi thought, walking away, one of these days Kenny. 

One of these days I'll be free of you. 

And I'll be the one holding the knife to your neck.

And he couldn't wait intill that day came.

He would savor every second of it.

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