The Light, Calm and Illusion

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"Levi" A strong voice asked from outside.

How on earth had Mr Asshole known where he was?

"Fuck of!" Levi hissed, still gripping the sinc like his undead life depended on it.

Erwin ignored him and entered the bathroom.

"Are you stalking me or something?" Levi spat, refusing to look at him.

"Most Sires can tell where their vampires are, its instinct, especially if they're distressed" Erwin replied, raising his eyebrows at him.

"Oh great, thanks, that makes me feel soo much better" Levi said, his tone laced with sarcasm and vemon.

Did he really need a remider that he was forever tied to this leeach?

Erwin reminded himself he had to be patient as he said more calmly than he was feeling "Look at me Levi"

"Is that a request or a order Commander?" Levi fumed.

Erwin winced a little at that but Levi was still breathing hard and Erwin knew despite Levi looking almost normal apart from the anger directed at Erwin, that he was still having difficulty controlling the hunger.

"Its a request" Erwin answered, his tone soft.

Levi stayed that way for a few more minutes before turning around to look at Erwin with a death like glare.

I think I probably deserve that and worse Erwin thought, letting Levi's disrespect slide, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately but after Mike's little speech and what Hange had told him about Levi's thoughts he responded well to kindness instead of control.

Hange's voice rang in his ears "From what I gathered from his thoughts he likes to feel in control. If he feels like he is in the control of the situation he feels free, even when he isn't, even when he knows he isn't but as long as he feels like he is, Levi feels safer and I think he will be more likely to be obidient. Its all fine and well if you control him all the time but at every moment he'll be thinking of putting a knife in your back, and I don't think we want that"

Despite the death like glare Levi had done what he had said and that was what he wanted.

"Okay, I can do something to calm you down but I'll need to get closer to you, that allright?" Erwin said.

Levi thought for a second about refusing but his teeth were aching, his mouth was still watering like he was still standing near the bleeding girl and try as he might he could get his breathing back to normal or stop it as that was more normal for a vampire.

Pushing away his pride Levi spoke through gritted teeth "Fine"

Erwin put his hands on Levi's shoulders, who tensed up.

"Now, deep breaths, slowly" Erwin said calmy.

Levi raised his eyebrows as if to say, you serious about this crap?

Erwin just looked back at him seriously.

With a deep sigh and wishing the ground could swollow him up whole Levi closed his eyes and breathed deeply in and out, suddenly it was strangely easyer with human contact (Okay maybe not so human but still...)

Slowly and odd warmth came from Erwin's cold hands and it ran through Levi's body, warming him throughout.

Everything seem to slow down.

If Levi felt any calmer then he knew he would have fallen to sleep right there.

Erwin let go, the warmth quickly went but it still left Levi feeling quite calm and relaxed.

"How...?" Levi mumbled dazedly.

Erwin knew it was because Sires could affect the vampires they created emotions with a simple touch but he knew how Levi felt about the Sire Bond so he just said "Practise"

Which was half true, he had needed to practise that a few times on his first vampire he created Hange before he got it right.

Then they left together.

"You know when this thing, what ever you did stopps I'll be back wanting to kill you right?" Levi grumbled, though it hadn't got any real bite behind it.

"You don't want to kill me now?" Erwin asked, generally curious, maybe he should do this more ofton.

"I don't know, I kind of feel calm and fuzzy" Levi huffed, rubbing his head.

"Warm and fuzzy inside?" Erwin teased.

Mmm, maybe not, he wanted Levi alert, not like he wanted to go to sleep any minute. Though Levi was quite interesting like this.

"Hahaha, funny, really" Levi said sarcastically but Erwin was shocked to see Levi almost crack a smile, in his presence know less.

Erwin lead Levi back to his room.

Levi wondered "Wait, what about the mission?"

"It can wait" Erwin said doubting Levi was emotinally stable to go out at the moment.

I'm thinking this because my own vampire doesn't want to kill me and almost smiled? Wow...

It really gave Erwin a perspective on his and Levi's realtionship.

He knew it had been bad but he hadn't known it had been this bad.

Levi sighed, then just went to his bed and put his face in the cusions, hoping that would help the dazedness that was making him feel sleepy and slow, it felt pretty good but even in this state Levi knew he should defiantly not be feeling this.

Was it better than feeling like he wanted to rip that girls throat out?


But still...

Levi sighed "I'm so going to kill you when this is over"

Erwin smirked as he shut Levi's door "Killing me? That was so two weeks ago"

"Piss of" Levi muttered, head still in the pillow, his voice muffled.

Erwin chuckled as he closed the door completly "See you Captain"

Erwin smiled triumphly as he walked away.

It felt like a while but things were slowly falling into place and everything was, no matter how slow, still going to plan.

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