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 Levi stayed in the building for one more week before Erwin came to collect him, saying he was aloud to go back to the Survey Corps and his old home. Erwin had told everyone he'd sent Levi on a couple of confidentional long missions, thats why he'd been gone for a couple of weeks. 

Levi stood in his old room. It had only been two weeks but it felt like it had been months. So much has changed Levi thought with a frown.

Erwin wasn't letting Levi have any slack though. He'd told him that he would be going on a mission a couple of hours once he got back, not really letting Levi think about what had happened. 

Levi tensed as he heard footsteps approaching. The door opened, a solder saluted him and stammered "Commander Erwin calls you s-sir" 

Levi sighed, how many times did he have to tell them that they didn't need to call him sir or salute him? 

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute" Levi said dismisively, waving him away. 

The solder quickly nodded and walked of, closing the door behind him. Once he went and Levi was sure he wasn't coming back Levi got of the bed then bent down, reaching underneath the bed, hoping it would be were he left it. 

It was... 

He pulled out Isabel's scrap book. 

Levi turned the pages slowly, letting memories sink in. 

"What would you think of me now?" Levi murmured, guilt and great saddness inside him, a deep shame as well. 

He ran his thumb over a picture of all of them at the table. They, apart from him looked so innocent though Levi noticed Samaul looked paler and more sick looking than he had done in other pictures. 

He wondered if the full moon had been coming up then... 

They were all smiling and laughing, completly oblivious about the danger that was coming. 

Would they think of me as a monster? Levi thought, or would they somehow see past the monster? Like they had done once they had found out he was from the Underground City. 

A monster Erwin turned me into.... 

But he knew even when he was thinking it, that that was a lie, Levi knew he'd already been a monster, even before becoming a vampire. 

After all, only a monster could torcher and kill as many people he had done, even in the Underground. 

Only a monster would like the thrill of it all. 

Only a monster could actaully enjoy killing and inflicting pain on others, especially because he;d still been human then. 

Levi frowned, thinking hard. 

Maybe he couldn't get revenge on all vampires but... 


"I attend to wipe out all the normal vampires from existance! So only pure bloods and adnormals are left"

"Levi, ordinary vampires were the ones that killed you're freinds"

Levi's hands clenched tightly on the scrap book. Erwin's words worming there way into his head. 

Maybe, just maybe they might have something in commen after all. 

A slight singe of hope burned inside him. 

Maybe he didn't have to break his promise of revenge after all? 

Maybe, just maybe... 

Then with that Levi shut the book and slipped it neatly and caurfully back under his bed with a new determination. 

He strode out of his bedroom and to Erwin's office, not bothering to knock on the door and just walked in. 

"Invite you'rself in of course" Erwin said dryly, looking up from his desk. 

"You wanted me?" Levi asked, ignoring Erwin's comment. 

Erwin crossed his arms over the desk, looking serious though a small smile on his lips as he said "Yes I did. Everyone already treats you like one and with all the kills you've had in a such a short amount of time, you've earned it, Captain Levi" 

Levi's eyes widened slightly "You-" 

"You're promotion is long over due" Erwin told him with a slight smile. 

It was strange Levi thought as he looked at Erwin, he voiced his thoughts, loweing his voice "I've wanted and have tried to kill you and you give me a promotion?" 

Erwin leaned back in his chair, seemingly to enjoy Levi's confusion and he simply replied "Yes, funny how the world works isn't it?" 

With nothing more to say Levi knew he was dismissed. He noticed it was a rare moment when he hadn't insulted Erwin yet or thought of somehow killing him, but he was to in shock to actaully think about that right now. 

Levi started to walk out but then Erwin called out to him "Levi, just to clear something up. I would have promoted you anyway, even if the events of last week hadn't happened" 

Levi winced at the reminder. 

Couldn't he just pretend to be a normal solder and the last two weeks never happened? 

Though he pointed out coldly "If the last few week events never happened I would still be in the Underground. You wanted me to turn me, didn't you? Well you got you're wish, Hope you're happy Commander

Then with that Levi slammed the door shut behind him, the door almost fell of its hinges at Levi's strength. 

He missed the strange troubled look on Erwin's face as he left... 

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