Chapter Twelve: Worlds Away

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Chapter Twelve: Worlds Away

Andy threw back a shot of vodka, grimacing at the cheap taste of it. He'd managed to get a steady buzz going while finishing off his hair and makeup in the hotel bathroom. He had intended to wait until the party to start drinking, but his encounter with Matt at the venue had peaked his anxiety. Not wanting to show up a nervous wreck he'd resorted to taking a few 'pre-game' shots while getting ready.

Despite the fluids he got from the medic tent, the singer still felt wiped out. He should be spending the rare night off getting quality sleep in a real bed, not ruining his liver with Danny. Perhaps it was his desperate need to fit in that caused him to cave to peer pressure and agree to come, that or he was really that much of an alcoholic.

He could hear the music blaring down the hall already, no doubt to the displeasure of the rest of the unfortunate hotel guests. Andy looked his reflection over in the mirror, inspecting his handiwork. The foundation and concealer managed to make him look somewhat alive, covering the dark circles under his eyes and the lifeless tone of his skin.

Sighing, he grabbed his phone and key cards before hurrying out the door. Barely making it to the next door before the sound of someone clearing their throat caused him to freeze.

He could feel his face heat up as his heart started to race; the guitarist's sarcastic scoff filling him with rage. The fuck is he doing here?

"Really? You fucking passed out today and you're going to a fucking party?"

Andy spun around to face the older man, narrowing his eyes at him. Matt was standing in the hallway, his arms crossed over his chest and a disgusted look on his face. He'd changed clothes since the venue, swapping out his stage outfit for a fresh pair of black jeans and a white button-up. Freshly shaven with just a hint of eyeliner on, it looked like he was on his way to the same place. Probably having assumed he was in the clear to hang out without the singer running his fun.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you my dad now? Didn't know I was grounded." Andy rolled his eyes.

"No, but I'm friends with your dad. I can always call him." Matt shrugged, seemingly getting a kick from getting under Andy's skin.

"Whatever, Matt. What I do is none of your business. We're not together, and we're not even friends any more... so why are you so obsessed with what I'm doing?" Andy sneered, the pious smirk on the older man's face pissing him off.

Matt chuckled, making his way over to the singer. "Obsessed with you? Really? That's what you think? Sorry, I have better things to worry about besides your fucked-up ass."

Matt could smell the alcohol on Andy's breath, no surprise that he wasn't sober. He should have known better than to think he had a free pass to enjoy the night without the other man's presence. Was it too much to ask for? As if the day hadn't been draining enough, he'd spent the last hour on the phone with his manager. Craig had pushed back the start date to record the next D.R.U.G.S album without his knowledge. His manager had called to make sure everything was okay with the band, which clearly it wasn't. So much for his bandmate's 'everything is fine' bullshit assurance.

All he wanted was to get fucked up and forget about Craig, the band, and Andy. He wanted to drink with his friends without having to worry about the fact that his life was falling apart.

"Sure you're not worried I might fuck your best friend again? I mean honestly, you seem jealous..." Andy smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

Matt turned his head to the side, the muscles of his jaw tightening as he fought the urge to deck the singer.

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