Chapter Four: Sarah

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Chapter Four: Sarah

Matt rocked the empty shot glass back and forth on the bar, lost in contemplation. His phone buzzing in his back pocket with unread texts. He didn't need to check them to know they were from Andy. Wondering where he was, and why he hadn't come back to the hotel.

Andy would be fine; his mom was there. She was staying for a few days before heading back to Ohio. Matt sighed, motioning to the bartender to pour another shot.

She raised an eyebrow, not making a comment as she poured out another shot of whiskey. He had lost count of how many he'd had. After getting back to his apartment, showering, and passing out for a few hours he ended up at the bar across the street. Alone, at 6 pm. Getting wasted off cheap whiskey.

The guitarist threw the shot back, letting it burn before swallowing the bitter liquid. It had been years since he found himself drinking away his problems. A bad habit he developed on the first tour he did with his old band. Since then he'd grown up, gotten a handle on it, and learned his limits. He got drunk for fun, not self-pity. But he'd broken that rule tonight, wanting an escape from the shit show his life had become.

Once the adrenaline and worry of Andy being critically hurt wore off, he started thinking back to their conversation in the dressing room. Andy hadn't changed at all, if anything he was worse. The break-up hadn't served as a catalyst for him to change his ways. Give up the self-destructive behaviors and finally face his issues.

"You alright, honey?" The brunette bartender asked him, leaning over the bar.

She had beautiful honey brown eyes and a gentle smile. A slight southern accent meant she wasn't an LA native, probably a wannabe actress chasing her dream. Her concern seemed genuine; her pink lips pouted out slightly.

"Yeah... just thinking about things," Matt replied.

"What kind of things? Not bad things I hope..." Her voice was soothing. Upbeat and soft; definitely not from LA.

She propped her elbows up on the bar, resting her chin on the backs of her hands. The bar was mostly empty, except for a couple in the far corner. Guess there weren't any other lonely souls drinking their way through heartbreak tonight.

"Relationship stuff... you know, what most people drink about." Matt chuckled, hoping she wouldn't press for details. He didn't see the point in pouring his heart out to a complete stranger, no matter how cute her accent was.

"Oh, I've been there, darling. I think I drank an entire bottle of wine last month when my ex-boyfriend dumped me. I'm Sarah, by the way...

"Sarah? I'm Matt, and sorry to hear about your boyfriend..." The guitarist said, she seemed like a sweet girl. What idiot would dump her?

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Matt. And I'm sorry for whatever it is you're going through... whiskey at 6 o'clock... can't be nothing fun." She tilted her head to the side, locks of silky brown hair falling over her tan shoulders.

"Ha... yeah, complicated shit... my ex..." Matt trailed off, looking down at his glass. "You know I thought things might work out again... but... I'm not so sure if they will."

Sarah frowned, filling his glass up again. "Well if I've learned anything in my twenty-three years, it's that they're your ex for a reason. The heart wants what it wants though... This girl... you love her?"

Matt paused, stopping himself from correcting the woman. It was better she didn't know, not that he was ashamed. But he like the anonymity it gave him. She didn't seem like the type to be into rock n' roll bands, but you never know. It was better to play it safe.

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