Chapter 84

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Starscream's P.O.V.

Dreadwing helped me out of my quarters, since I was still limping pretty badly. The wound felt a little more painful than I expected, so I planned on seeing Knockout about it. 

"I apologize, Dreadwing. You don't need to assist me. I think I can make it to the medbay." I said. "I don't believe that's a good idea. And I don't mind helping you." he replied. He looked away from me as he spoke, seeming a little awkward saying that. I gave a small chuckle. This did feel weird, admitting this bizarre "friendship". 

"Starscream." Dreadwing and I looked down the hallway. Turns out, the other Decepticons were heading straight towards us. Knockout, Breakdown, Airachnid, and even Shockwave. The only ones absent were Megatron and Soundwave. 

"What did I say? You shouldn't be walking on that leg! I thought you were going to rest in your quarters." Knockout stated, arms crossed and a firm expression on his face. "Ah, yes well, it seems it feels a little more painful than I had expected. I was gonna see if you could provide me with some sort of painkillers, if you had any." I said. "Very well, I'll see what I can find in the medbay." he said. He started to turn around to head back to the medbay, but then I remembered how I had snapped at him earlier, and I felt guilty.

"Uh, wait just a moment, Knockout." I said. The medic stopped and turned to face me. I looked away awkwardly for a moment, rubbing a hand behind me neck.

"I, um....*sigh* I apologize if I was rude to you earlier. I didn't mean to be disrespectful." I replied. To this, all the Decepticons perked up, looking at me surprised. I looked to Shockwave. "I apologize to you as well, Shockwave. I didn't need to make such a rude remark...." I said.

"Whoa, this can't be right. Starscream, our commander Starscream, is apologizing? Are my audio receptors broken, or did you guys hear that too?" Airachnid asked, wearing a small smirk. The other Decepticons began to chuckle, making me glare daggers at Airachnid. Well this is much more embarrassing than I expected. "Shut up, you!" I snapped. 

"Oh relax, Screamer, I'm just teasing you a little." she replied. "Your apology is rather unexpected. Especially the one you gave me. I was under the impression that you very much disliked me." Shockwave explained. "Hehe, did I, uh, make it that obvious....?" I asked, twiddling my fingers a little. "It was, as I understand humans say, clear as day." the scientist said bluntly. I rolled my optics.

"What do you expect when you practically stole my occupation?" I said. 

"Ahem, I think we're getting a little off track here. Anyway," Knockout interrupted, looking to me and smiling, "I accept your apology, Starscream. Honestly I don't really blame you." he said. "I agree. It was only a natural response after what you have lost." Shockwave said. I frowned a little, my wings drooping. Breakdown gave me a sympathetic expression, then looked away a little awkwardly. 

"So,'re you holding up, about it?" he asked. 

"....I've never felt so awful in my entire life. But, I'll have to adapt, I suppose." I replied sadly. The Decepticons looked to the floor, sad expressions on all their faces. I started to do the same. However, Dreadwing placed a hand on my shoulder and cleared his throat. "Nightstreak was an honorable femme, one of the bravest I had ever met. She died honorably, fighting for what she believed in, and for the people she cared about." he stated. I smiled, looking up at him. 

"Yeah, she did. That's something she'll be remembered for." I stated. "She might've been small, but man, did she fight fierce. Had more courage than I ever did. I'd call her a hardcore wrecker." Breakdown stated. Airachnid crossed her arms, eyes narrowed as she looked down.

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