Chapter 5

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Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I watched silently as Starscream again approached Agent Fowler, who was now weak from the shocks he had received. Starscream let out a dark chuckle.

"Agent Fowler, surely you have realized....the Autobots have abandoned you," he stated, smiling evilly at the man, "I am the only one you can rely upon now. So tell me what I want to know, or...." he started to raise the prod close to the human. I took a step forward.

"Starscream wait, the human can't take anymore of this. If you continue to shock him, he will become unconscious." I stated. Starscream rolled his eyes.

"If that happens, then he would have done it to himself." Starscream stated. Agent Fowler weakly squirmed in the chains tightly wrapped around his small arms.

" more....they're hidden in a secret government base." he said weakling. Starscream brought his face closer, an eager look on his face.

"Go on...." There was a sudden rumbling from within the ship, and I could hear the distant sound of blasters. Starscream turned to Fowler.

"Yes?" he urged on, impatience laced in his tone.

"By the old mill....or was it under the old carnival ride?" Agent Fowler said with a small smirk. Starscream growled, not hesitating to electrocute him. Starscream's frown turned into a smirk briefly, before the blaster noises became louder, and he turned to his Vehicon troops.

"Someone find out what's going on out there!" he demanded, and both troops ran out the door. Now the two of us were forced to wait a few moments, waiting for Agent Fowler to wake up. I was growing anxious with the blasting noises outside. It must be the Autobots. It had to be. I turned to Starscream.

"We should leave, now! Before the Autobots get closer!" I said. Starscream shot a glare at me, arms crossed.

"We will be fine! Besides, if they decide to show themselves, we are the ones with a hostage." he stated. I shook my head in disapproval, but Starscream ignored me and returned his attention to the dazed human.

"Come on, wake up already!" he snapped. While he may not admit it, he wasn't feeling at ease with lingering here much longer either. Agent Fowler raised his head a bit, a goofy smile on his face.

"Grandma, is it cookie time?" he mumbled, then his head dropped again. Starscream growled in frustration. Then the door opened, and we turned to look at it. A single Vehicon trooper stood there.

"Well?!" Starscream snapped. However the Vehicon collapsed, and Bulkhead and Bumblebee pointed their blasters at Starscream. Starscream was quick to point his blaster at Agent Fowler, making me nervous.

"Not so fast." he said with a smirk. However something tapped  the top of his head, and we looked up to see Arcee clinging onto the ceiling with her limbs stretched out, with one blaster pointed at Starscream's head. I pointed my blaster at her.

"I wouldn't." Arcee said to Starscream. He gave a smirk.

"Oh but I might." he stated. I hated these risks. Anyone of us could get killed with a single shot, whether it being Agent Fowler, or Starscream, or one of the Autobots. I couldn't let this happen, but I didn't know what to do. Deciding on a course of action, I shot beside Arcee, then ran between Starscream and Agent Fowler. The Autobots started firing, and Starscream and I were in a frenzy to dodge the attacks.

"What are you thinking?!" Starscream snapped.

"Get out of here now! I'll cover you! Go!" I stated. Starscream looked at me shocked, but within the next second transformed into his alternate form, flying over Bulkhead's and Bumblebee's heads to fly down the hallway. They continued to blast at me, but I was quick to transform as well, following Starscream down the hallway. After that, we didn't see the Autobots for the rest of the attack.

Time skip

Starscream's P.O.V.

"Please Lord Megatron, I meant no- GAH!" I cried out in pain as I knocked back with a powerful blow, barely able to stumble onto my feet. His thundering footsteps came closer and I was foolish enough to look up at his angry expression.

"I ordered you to await my command!" he snapped, hitting me again with a simple powerful swing of his arm. I cried out in pain as I was sent flying across the room, then hearing the screeching of my own metal as I skidded across the ground. I was quick to get onto my knees, panting hard, and his footsteps came closer to me as he spoke.

"Instead, your mindless agenda resulted in the disabling of my ship," I looked up as he continued towards me, "and the delay of my plans!" he yelled. I quickly sat up, scrambling backwards while looking fearfully up at our leader.

"My intentions were pure, Master. I only wanted you to be rid of Optimus- GAH!" I was silenced painfully as he smashed a large foot onto my face. The sounds of my platings screeching against his weight only rose the fear within me.

"No one rids me of Optimus Prime but me! Do you understand?! DO YOU?!" he roared, and I swore I heard the whole ship shake at his voice. I struggled to breathe, even more talk, trying to convince the tyrant to spare me. However, another voice spoke up for me.

"Lord Megatron wait!" Megatron looked over his shoulder, looking at Nightstreak. She took a few steps closer, wings drooped.

"Sir please! It was not his idea! was mine! Do not punish him! It was my doing!" she stated. I wheezed as Megatron lifted his foot enough for me to breathe, and I looked at the young spy, then back at our master. He seemed to be looking at her strangely, suspiciously. It was clear that he didn't believe her, however he seemed mostly....dumbfounded by her fake confession. The important thing was, he was not paying attention to me for the moment.

"I will not make any excuses. This was my fault," she knelt down on one knee, head hung low, "I will accept any punishment you deem fit. However, if you will allow it, I have a way on how to set your plans back on course." she stated. There was a moment of silence, the atmosphere tense. Then, Megatron stepped off me, and slowly approached the spy. 

She looked up at him, waiting for his response patiently. He gave a small nod.

"Very well. Explain your plan, Nightstreak." I stared at the spy for a moment, dumbfounded myself. 

Did she.....just help me avoid punishment? But why?

Nightstreak: The Decepticon That Changed Everything (tfp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now