Chapter 75

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Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I quietly walked down the hallway and approached Soundwave at his post nearby a computer. He was typing away at something, with Ravage curled up near his feet.

"Hey Soundwave, you wanted to see me? Did you need help with something?" I asked. Soundwave looked to me, and frantically shook his head. I looked at him puzzled, surprised by his sudden panicked state. "What's the matter?" I asked. Soundwave's screen lit up and he played a recording. "You wish to terminate the beast?" I perked up. That was Dreadwing's voice. What did he just say?

"Indeed. The beast has become too intelligent, and his mind is only growing." That was Megatron's voice. 

"What in the world- when did this happen?" I asked. It slowly began to dawn onto me what Soundwave was saying. " Megatron going to terminate Predaking?" I asked, feeling dread in my spark. However, to my dismay, Soundwave gave a small nod.

"But....that can't be," I said, pacing back and forth as panic began to overtake my mind, "Predaking has done nothing to hurt us! Why would he want to terminate him?! I mean he's out with him right now, about to do special training.....oh no." He didn't take Predaking out for special training....he's gonna terminate him! I whirled around to Soundwave.

"Where did they go?! I need to get to them!" I stated.

Soundwave didn't even hesitate to open a ground bridge behind me, its bright green glow illuminating the hallway. I nodded to him. "Thank you. I'll be back!" I said. Without another moment to lose, I leaped through the ground bridge. 

Predaking's P.O.V.

I looked around our surroundings, seeing we were at the entrance of a large cave of sorts. I looked around at the Decepticons before me, swaying my tail from side to side. Megatron had said we were gonna do special training. I couldn't help but be excited. Both my master and my creator hardly ever do anything with me alone, and now their both here with me. I look forward to learning more from them.

"So, I guess we're gonna be heading in there?" Breakdown said, referring to the cave before us. I lowered my head and peered inside. It looked like a bit of tight space for me.

"Indeed," Megatron replied, and looked to me, "Come now, Predaking. Let us go inside. Once inside, your training will begin." he said. I looked over to him. I was a little unsure of this, but if that was what my master wished of me, then that's what I'll do. Before I did though, I gave him a small nuzzle on his shoulder, to which he looked at me surprised. He hesitated before stroking my muzzle a little. 

However, as he did, I noticed he wouldn't look directly at me. In fact, his expression looked a little....guilty, or perhaps pained. Was he okay? 

I gave a little purr and nudged him, trying to ask him what was wrong. But he simply gave his head a shake and pointed to the cave. "Inside." he ordered. My gaze lingered on him a little longer before I obeyed and crawled inside the cave. It was kinda difficult to walk through. I had to keep my head lowered, and I hugged my wings close to my back. I could barely even move my tail, especially since I didn't want to hit the Decepticons that followed me inside.

The air was kinda dusty, making it uncomfortable to breathe, and it was very dark inside. I couldn't even see the end of this tunnel. However, it was only a few moments before we had stepped out into a more wider clearing. It was huge, still a bit small for my liking, but at least I could raise my head and spread my wings out a bit. I stood in the middle of the clearing and turned to my master, awaiting my next command.

"Very good. Now just remain here, and your training will begin shortly." Megatron explained. He and the other three Decepticons took a step back. I looked around me, and through the darkness, I could make out about metal like poles, kinda poking out of the ground. Three were on my right, and three were on my left. Strangely enough, it looked like they were spaced out enough to covered my body. I again looked to Dreadwing, and then Breakdown, my master, and finally to my creator.....who was walking towards a switch on the wall?

Nightstreak: The Decepticon That Changed Everything (tfp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now