Chapter 14

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Starscream's P.O.V.

I made small moans of pain as I remained still upon the berth, trying to ignore the aching pain I felt everywhere on my body. I kept my eyes shut, trying to get back into recharge, however whenever my optics would shut, all I could see was Megatron's furious expression upon me, bringing down his fist. The images made me visibly shudder, however I tensed as I heard footsteps becoming louder and louder. I snapped my optics open to see said warlord standing beside my berth with an evil smirk.

"Resting comfortably, Starscream?" he asked rhetorically. I didn't respond, but rather narrowed my optics on him.

"Despite the extent of your injuries, my medical staff assures me that you shall make a rapid recovery." Megatron said, almost cockily. I winced as I forced myself to sit up, ignoring the life supporters that stuck to me.

"Hopefully every bit as rapid as your wrath is swift." I said weakly, coughing a bit. Megatron chuckled darkly, raising a brow.

"And how swiftly things change. To think but a short time ago, it was you who was standing here, while I was lying there.....right after your failed attempt to terminate me!" he said, putting stress on the last words. "But know this dear Starscream, our positions shall never again be reversed." With that said he left the room, his thundering footsteps growing lighter and lighter. I growled, feeling fury fill within me. 

I ripped off all the life supporters that were strapped upon me and shakily stood from the berth, then placed a hand on my side as I limped out of the berth, seeing Knockout standing by the door, looking over a data pad. When he saw me however his optics widened.

"Starscream! Have you lost your sense?! You haven't fully recuperated!" he said, hurrying to stand by my side. I slowly turned to face him with a dirty look.

"I feel Knockout, never better! You're a brilliant physician now get out of my way!" I snapped as I shoved him away, then turned away, still limping away. Knockout didn't try to stop me, but rather he let me go. I panted hard as I limped down the hallways, ignoring any Vehicons who gave me strange looks until I came upon a certain room. I wheezed as I took a few steps forward.

"Dark energon may have replenished your strength, Master..." I said to myself. I approached the wall of the room, reaching into a crack in the wall with a smirk.

"But how could you forget," I pulled out the shard of dark energon, "That you never reclaimed your original shard." I stated. I smirked as I held onto the shard tightly.

"Once the blood of Unicron flows through my veins.....our positions shall be reversed." 

Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I approached the med bay, wanting to pay Starscream a visit. I hoped he was feeling better than before. Bloodsurge rubbed against my leg, chirping in a concerned tone. I looked down at him, and if I could smile, I would've.

"I'm fine Bloodsurge." I stated, then entered the med bay. Only Knockout was in there, looking over some monitors while muttering to himself, a frustrated look on his face. I noticed instantly that the berth was empty, and Starscream was nowhere.

"Knockout, where is Starscream?" I asked. He didn't turn to me, only sighing.

"The fool decided he didn't need rest. I swear sometimes I think he believes he is indestructible." Knockout stated. I giggled.

"Perhaps." I replied. Knockout finally turned to face me, and the moment he saw me his expression softened. I tilted my head, surprised by the sudden change in his attitude.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. 

"Well, um, you know....Starscream isn't the only mech who should be resting right now. You do realize that don't you?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I have to remain functional for Megatron. So that is he requests for my tasks, I may be there to help." I stated. I placed a hand on my arm.....tracing the long, ugly scars that covered it up to my shoulder.

" least let me buff that mark on your face." Knockout said. I placed a hand on the side of my face, feeling the mark I got from Starscream's claws, the day he had smacked me. I was silent for a moment, then shook my head.

"I'd prefer if you didn't." 

Le time skip

Starscream's P.O.V.

I zoomed over the canyons that were below me, high into the familiar horizon. When I spotted what I was looking for, I transformed and landed on both of my feet, looking at the grave before me with a smile.

"Ah, the grave site of the mighty Skyquake. So quick to reject my authority while you lived," I said, then held out the shard of dark energon, "But, as the first of my reanimated warriors, you shall bow to my command!" I stated. I took the shard in both hands, breaking both pieces in half, then threw the first one at the grave. It bounced along the stones until it slipped inside, causing the inside to glow a dark purple.

I looked at the other half of the shard that I held, then didn't hesitate to shove it within my spark chamber. I smiled, feeling its power flow through my veins, a strange and unbelieveable feeling I could never describe in words.

"Ah, yes, the power of dark mine!" I cried, feeling dark flames of the dark energon cover my body. I could feel the spread of the dark energon everywhere upon me.

"Symbiosis!" I said, laughing loudly as the ground below me glowed in purple between the cracks. 

"I can feel it!" I waited patiently for Skyquake, waiting for the brute to rise from his grave.

"Rise Skyquake! Rise!" I demanded. However my warrior did not do such, but rather he still remained within the dirt. I growled, growing impatient.

"Starscream!" I whirled around and sneered seeing the Autobots coming closer, Optimus pointing his blaster at me.

"Autobots..." I said.

"Stand down." Optimus said.

"You stand down!" I snapped, holding up my arm. I pulled the trigger and shot a missile at them, which they dodged by hiding behind rocks. I smirked.

"You cannot harm me while dark energon flows through my veins!" I stated. Optimus showed himself and fired his blaster. I held up my arm to fire back, but yelped as I felt pain at my shoulder, being forced to whirl around. Below my feet....laid my arm. I blinked, puzzled, then stared at my arm-less shoulder and gasped. 

Taking a quick loo back at the Autobots, I ran for my arm, snatching it before I hid behind a rock of my own. I looked at the grave site and growled.

"Come on, come on! Rise already!" I snapped, with a hint of desperation. I looked back to see the Autobots coming closer. I quickly turned my commlink on.

"This is Commander Starscream, requesting emergency ground bridge to my coordinates!" I stated. I waited anxiously for the ground bridge to appear. Then suddenly it did, right beside me. I stood up, seeing the Autobots had opened their own ground bride. I didn't hesitate to charge fo my ground bridge and leaped through. Once through I found myself skidding against the ground, barely taking in the familiar sight of the ship's floors.

I stood up on my knees, groaning. However I started to search frantically, seeing my arm was nowhere in sight!

"My arm!" I said, then looked in front of my to see a Vehicon staring at me strangely. I was on my feet instantly, placing a claw on his chest.

"Not a word about this! To anyone!" I stated, then walked away down the hall towards med bay.

Nightstreak: The Decepticon That Changed Everything (tfp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now