Chapter 71

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(Yeah! We're getting to my favorite episode! I love this one! This next arc should be a lot of fun!)

Starscream's P.O.V.

I was pretty much fed up with that one eyed scientist. He brings up the idea of a traitor amongst us?! I'm willing to bet they think I am that very traitor! Especially when one of the fossils I had lost 'conveniently' disappeared. At least that's how they'll see it. 

As of this moment, I was whining about all of this to Knockout in his laboratory. He ignored me as he worked on his little experiment with Breakdown No.2. "I'm telling you, he's trying to make me look bad! I already have to deal with the toxic Airachnid and the high and mighty Dreadwing. Now I have another con in the way of my place for second in command-"

"Blah blah blah, you know it was cute before when Shockwave first arrived, and he was already under your skin. But this is just getting annoying now. You're beginning to sound like a sparkling!" Knockout snapped. I looked at him in disbelief and growled. "I do not sound like a sparkling!" I stated. 

"By the way, Shockwave and Megatron both have every right to suspect you as a traitor. I mean, who was the one who has tried to snuff out Megatron's spark multiple times?" Knockout replied. I opened my mouth to speak....but couldn't find the words to counter. Knockout nodded. 

"I rest my case."

"Fine, I suppose you have a point," I yelped when Breakdown No.2 suddenly jerked forward from his restraints, glaring at me, "uh, how has this thing been doing anyways?" I asked.

"He's been the perfect lab rat. You recall that synthetic energon formula I stole from the Autobots? Well, I've been working on perfecting it so that we may put it to use. However, the compound has been unstable, and there have been side effects." Knockout replied, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Such as?" I asked. Again, the thing pulled forward, pulling on it's restraints. "Release me, you fools! I shall destroy you all! ALL OF YOU!!!" it shouted. "Such as unstable outbursts of aggression." Knockout replied. I smirked. Aggression aside, this is quite the powerful looking foe. I doubt anyone would be dull enough to try to challenge it. Perhaps we could put it to use against the Autobots. And if Megatron knew we were the ones that created such a beast, he would give me such praise. Possibly even out rank Shockwave.

"Such power and fury. Megatron has longed for a new beast machine super soldier. And we now have the means of providing it to him." I replied. 

Le time skip

Knockout was hesitant to share the knowledge of such a creature to our master, but he saw the benefits it could provide for us, so he agreed. I went to meet with Megatron at the main deck, seeing him speaking with Soundwave.

"I see. Has there been anything you've uncovered? No a trace of any strange activity aboard the ship?" Megatron asked Soundwave. The silent mech simply showed Megatron the screen, which showed some security cameras footage. I cleared my throat and stood forward.

"My liege, if I may interrupt-"

"Not now!" Megatron snapped, looking back at me. "I am in the middle of something. Unless it is an emergency, leave at once!" I blinked, caught off guard by his rude outburst. Then I growled in frustration and walked away. I muttering bitterly to myself as I walked down the hallway, seeing Knockout up ahead. 

"Did you speak with our liege? About our little discovery?" he asked. I sighed and looked to him. "He was....otherwise engaged." I replied.

The two of us returned to the laboratory to check on the creature, and the moment we stepped inside it gave a loud roar of anger. "Exactly how much of this stuff do you give him?!" I demanded. What could cause the creature to have such rage? It seems much more beast like than earlier. 

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