Chapter 25

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Knockout's P.O.V.

I tilted my head at the cylinder that sat upon the desk, confused of its condition. 

"What do you mean its empty?" Megatron asked, seeming more than unpleased. Breakdown and I had just came back from a mission where we had to recover this ancient canister, which was supposed to contain ancient knowledge from the ancients, however.....

"Lord Megatron, these cylinders are not unlike batteries. The data is stored within them as a form of energy. It scanned fully charged, that's how we located it to begin with. But now..." I pressed a claw at the cylinder, making the top spark a little.

"Dead battery." Breakdown replied bluntly. Megatron turned his glare towards the wrecker.

"Did you drop it you one eyed oaf?!" he said. 

"N-No master. I wasn't gonna touch the thing after it put the 'zap' on Bulkhead." he replied. An idea hit me. The cylinder did shoot some sort of red beam at Bulkhead's head. I wonder...

"Hey, do you think....?" I said, looking to our leader. He seemed to catch on to my suspicion.

"I know, and I must find out what that vessel contained. When it comes to the secrets of the ancients, knowledge can be power." he stated. 

Le time skip

I muttered bitterly under my breath as I repaired any damage that was caused to the cylinder. Megatron gets on our cases about something that was out of our control, and now were looked at with disgust just like Starscream once did. 

"Cool your vents Knockout. Once Bulkhead shows himself again, we'll snatch him up and show Megatron that were not so....useless." Breakdown replied. I rolled my optics.

"Assuming the brute will even be dumb enough to show himself out in the open, knowing that he holds such powerful knowledge." I said coldly. I yelped as I zapped myself with one of my tools, making me pull my hand away. I looked at my claw, dripping small amounts of energon.

"Scrap...." I hissed in annoyance. Guess that's just another thing to fix. The sound of sliding doors turned my attention to Nightstreak entering the room.

"Hey guys, how was your mission?" she asked.

"Pretty bad..." Breakdown mumbled.

"Pretty bad? That's putting it lightly. We lost the information of the ancient because some Autobot got in the way! And now Megatron has his anger turned to us! If that's what pretty bad is, I'd hate to see what horrible looks like!" I suddenly snapped. Breakdown chuckled, an amused look on his face.

"Horrible would be what Megatron did to Starscream when he finally woke up from his three month nap." he said. I chuckled myself, unable to stop from smiling.

"Okay, that was horrible."

"Beyond horrible!" Breakdown laughed.

"And what's worse for that foolish flyer, he didn't even stop there!" I said. At this point Breakdown and I were laughing, both realizing that compared to the things Starscream endured that we got off the hook pretty well. However I felt Breakdown start to tap my arm, whispering me to suddenly stop. Puzzled, I was gonna ask what was wrong, until he gestured to Nightstreak. She had her head turned to the side, wings drooped, and I realized our mistake.

"Oh, um...w-well he was, uh, clever though. I mean...." I said, trying to find some way to take back what I said. However Nightstreak just shook her head.

"You don't have to try and be nice towards him. I am more than aware of his actions." she stated. She hasn't been the same since Starscream left. She was much more quiet than usual, and she had this depressing aura about her where ever she went around the warship. We occasionally tried to cheer her up, but she would almost never respond. I felt guilty with the words I said. I knew how much she cared for the Seeker, despite how treacherous he was.

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