Chapter 26

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(Just so everyone knows, I'm slightly skipping episode 22 of this season, you know the episode when Ratchet experiments with the synthetic energon and becomes a badass. I'm not wiping it from existence or anything, just not doing a whole chapter on it just because the Decepticons aren't in it much. Anyways, enjoy!)

Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I smiled down at Bloodsurge, who was chirping happily as he skipped next to me. I giggled, petting his head.

"I'm glad you like how you look. It was nice of Knockout to let us borrow his buffer so I could clean you up." I replied. It was true, Bloodsurge's body now shined nicely off the hallway lights, and he seemed to be owning this fancy look. I was just on my way to see Knockout and return his buffer. I found myself at the medical bay doors, which slid open easily for me. Knockout seemed occupied at a counter, messing with some new project that I didn't know about.

"Hey Knockout." I said. Knockout looked back at me, a small smile starting to spread across his face as he saw me.

"Ah Nightstreak, can I help you with something?" he asked. I approached him, holding out his buffer. 

"I just wanted to thank you for letting me borrow this, and wanted to give it back." I replied. Knockout's optics lit up as he spotted his tool, and took it happily before placing it carefully on the counter like it was his most prized possession.....which I think it was.

"It was no trouble. If you ever need it again, do let me know." Knockout replied. Bloodsurge clicked a few happy noises, hopping over to Knockout and rubbing against his leg.

"And you have never looked better my friend~" he stated, patting the minicon's head. Bloodsurge looked up at him and beeped a 'thank you', but judging by Knockout's puzzled expression he didn't understand him. I giggled.

"He says thank you." I said. Knockout nodded.

"Right of course, I knew that." he said, making me shrug. If I could roll my optics (which I didn't have) I would. Knockout looked at me, his smile widening a bit. I tilted my head.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, seem a lot better now. More like your old self." Knockout replied. That response didn't clear my confusion though, making me flick my wings a bit. "My old self?" I again asked. 

"Come on now Nightstreak. Everyone could sense you were a bit.....depressed since...." Knockout said, seeming hesitant to continue. My wings drooped just the slightest.

"Since Starscream left." I finished. Knockout slowly nodded. 

"Well, I guess I kinda realized that being all mopey about that wouldn't achieve anything." I replied. But also because I knew eventually I would get Starscream to come back, some how. I peered past the red medic, looking at the new project he was doing.

"What are you working on?" I asked. Knockout turned to the counter with a satisfied smile.

"Ah this?" he said. It was a type of green liquid in a canister. "Well, remember it was something the Autobots were experimenting with. A type of synthetic energon. It really made their medic So I'm messing with it here and there, to see if we can use it somehow." Knockout replied.

"Cool~" I said, looking at the canister like a little sparkling. Suddenly however, Knockout perked up, turning his commlink on.

"My liege? Mm hmm....I'm on my way." he said, hanging up. I looked at him with a tilted head.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I suppose the boss wants to see my real quick, probably to ask about the completion of the second space bridge." he said.

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