Chapter 6

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Starscream's P.O.V.

I kept a distance from our master as he gazed out the bridge's window with confidence and eagerness. On the space bridge in front of us awaited the Autobots, seeming ready for us to make the first move. Nightstreak stayed by my side, staring at Megatron. What could she be thinking? I swear she hovers over him like a guard dog ever since he had returned.

Of course, she did the very same with me when we first met, but now.....she is becoming fiercely loyal to him. This could be a problem. With such strong loyalty to our liege, she will become less of an ally to me. Perhaps she'll completely stop being my servant overall. However, if that were the case, then why would she protect me from Megatron's wrath, and take credit for my own doing? More ever, why did Megatron decide to go along with it, since he clearly didn't believe her. 

"Optimus never disappoints," Megatron said, then looked back at me with anger in his eyes, "Unlike you, Starscream." I unintentionally let out a small shaky breath before quickly regaining my composure.

"No need for concern Master, Soundwave is locking onto Cybertron's coordinates, toward my instructions." I stated, a nervous chuckle slipping out afterwards. We waited awhile, patiently waiting for the Autobots next move. However, they remained where they were. I approached the window myself, my optics narrowing at them. It is not like them to wait, something seems wrong. I glanced at Nightstreak, who seemed to have the same feeling, as she took stared at the Autobots strangely.

"Surely Lord Megatron, the Autobots are....up to something?" I spoke, questioning if he too felt the same thing. I was startled as our liege suddenly whirled around, leaning down to glare me from only a few inches apart. 

"Really Starscream?" he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I took a step back, putting on a nervous smile. He again whirled around, slamming his fist down on the control panel, a loud clang ringing within the bridge.

"Crush them!" Megatron snapped. He perked up, then smirked, turning his attention to Nightstreak.

"In fact....Nightstreak, lead a team to the Autobots." Nightstreak looked up at him, seeming to almost jump at his request. I too stared at her in disbelief. She gets our master's privilege to lead a team to Optimus and his Autobots?! Am I not his second in command?!

"Me Master?" Nightstreak asked hesitantly, her finger pointing at herself.

"Yes. I would like to see just what you are capable of, for I wish to know just how much use to me you are.....or if any at all." Megatron stated. It was clear she had no choice in the matter. I cleared my throat.

"Master, if it pleases you, I may lead a team myself and-"

"This is Nightstreak's test. You have already failed yours." Megatron stated coldly. My wings drooped and I looked away, knowing any further question would result in something, unpleasant. Nightstreak took one look at the Autobots through the window, then she faced our liege and did a slight bow.

"Very well, it will be done, Master." 

Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I transformed into my alternate form, leading a team of five Vehicon troops towards the space bridge. Immediately blasters were shot at us, which I dodged by flying to the side.

"Okay, this shouldn't be so hard. Fight Autobots. Don't kill or hurt any Autobots, but also don't prove to be too weak to Megatron or he will be less than pleased......scrap this is gonna be difficult." I thought. Bloodsurge flew beside me, shrieking a warning at the Autobots. Arcee shot at him, but he did a twirl to dodge and lunged for Bumblebee, grabbing onto his face with his metal talons.

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