Chapter 37

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Megatron's P.O.V.

Soft footsteps reached my audio receptors from behind me as I looked out at the command bridge. 

"If it pleases you Lord Mgeatron, once Soundwave discovers a meaning of decoding the remainder of the Iacon database, as we know he will, I would suggest the deployment of an underutilized asset." Airachnid explained to me. I glanced over my shoulder at the femme.

"And what asset would that be Airachnid?" I asked.

"I believe that my superior tracking skills would expedite your quest to recover the remaining relics." she said, going down on one knee to bow. My gaze lingered upon her figure a little longer before looking away.

"Noted." She rose back to her feet.

"You are a gracious audience my lord," she said, walking away, "Soundwave." she acknowledged before leaving the room. I looked back at the silent mech, who looked to me patiently.

"Remind me of her trustworthiness." I said. Soundwave began to play a audio recording of Airachnid "I believe we must consider the possibility of a future.....without Megatron." the audio said. 

"It would seem Airachnid is no longer one we can rely upon."

Dreadwing's P.O.V.

I was in my quarters, with my weapons sprawled out upon my table. I had locked two pieces together to make a gun, examining it. It's important that I keep all my weapons ready and waiting. I must be ready to assist Lord Megatron at any time. The sound of a monitor turning on behind me quickly caught my attention.

"Dreadwing." I heard Megatron say. I turned to around, seeing his face upon the monitor. 

"I am at your beck and call, Lord Megatron." I stated.

"I wish to entrust you with a task I would normally reserve for myself. That is, if you wish to prove yourself worthy of becoming my first lieutenant." Megatron said. I looked at him curiously. He wishes to give upon me a task so important this soon? Does he see me as that valuable already? And isn't the role of first lieutenant Airachnid's to have?

"That post belongs to Airachnid." I replied to Megatron, although I hoped he would not be offended. 

"She will be missed." was all Megatron needed to say for me to understand my task; he has found Airachnid worthy of execution. I may not understand what she has done to have this fate, however I do understand her history is not clean. And I am more than willing to complete any task my master wishes for me to do.

"And I suggest you bring backup. She can be a handful....especially when cornered." Megatron said. 

"I shall do so immediately." I replied. Megatron gave a nod of satisfaction before the monitor turned off. Who shall I bring for backup? I must make sure to bring the most skilled for this job. The door suddenly opened, and I looked up to see Breakdown and Nightstreak enter the room. 

"Hey Dreadwing, I hope we are not interrupting anything." Nightstreak said. "Yeah, the kid just wanted to know if you were settling in alright." Breakdown replied, nudging Nightstreak's shoulder. A skilled spy and a wrecker....perhaps this is the exact backup I require.

"I am doing well, thank you. However, something has come up, and I believe I will need both of your assistance with this." I replied. Nightstreak tilted her head. "Assistance? Like a mission?" she asked. Breakdown smirked.

"Do we get to smash some bots?" he asked eagerly.

"No. However this will prove to be rather....tricky. It would seem Megatron has come to a conclusion concerning Airachnid." I replied. Nightstreak's wings flickered, and something told me she was only more confused.

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