Chapter 1

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Melissa's POV

Different day, same start. I checked the mark on my wrist like I have done every single day of my life, it's still the same zeros digit. Everyone in our town was born with such mark but we never understood why. Numerous of us tried to figure it out, until they couldn't anymore.

It was the mystery of the town until we stopped questioning. They say that as long as it's the same digit, you have nothing to worry about. I never gave it that much thought; I live my days each on it's own. And today, I marked it a great day to shine. And what better way to shine than a party?

I texted Wesley letting him know that I'll need a ride. And he replied instantly. I exit my dorm room on my way to get some food. Pro tip, never eat food at a party. I once had a bad experience with that and ended up throwing up.

Both me and Wesley met at the café and managed somehow to maintain silence. I never knew he can actually do that

I stared right into his face piercing it with my eyes while he kept looking around, as if holding in a secret.

" So, how was the football game last Saturday?"

" It was good, I liked it." Caught red handed, there was no football game!
I kept my lips curved on the form of a smile while he took a sip of his fancy milkshake.

"Are you sure?"

" Yeah good game, I like football."

" I will take some of your milkshake."
" Yeah yeah good." He kept his gaze away the whole time as if thinking.

" You never let me take your milkshake!" I gasped.

" What?" he finally drifted his attention to me and started analyzing the situation.

" Seriously Wes, what's wrong? What's so important that you lost focus? You never do that." I looked at him disappointedly while he bit back trying not to tell me.
" My mom's mark changed." He sighed heartbroken.

"What? When?"
" Last night. I couldn't get it off my mind since."
"What do you think it could be?"
" That's the thing. Everyone in the town who experienced it tells a different story while some are dead. I don't know what to expect nor how to protect her." He squeezed his palms against his forehead.

" Calm down Wes , I know it's terryfing. How about we meet Alexander , Markian and Isabelle later at the party and then talk about it?" I suggested while he seemed unconvinced.

" I don't know if I want to go." He tried rejecting politely.
" It'll be a quick in and out just to get them. And then we can head back to my dorm room and discuss it alright?"

" Finnne urghhhh. I hate doing things for you."

" Well you always do." I winked and pulled him up heading to his car.


" I don't think you're supposed to drink this much." Markian shouted close to my ears over the high music sounds.
" Let her do it, Wes is taking care of her." Alexander defended.

" No he's right. She drank too much. Wes should take her."
Isabelle interfearred while all I could do was watch their swinging figures. Everything was swinging in front of me.

" Do you have any idea where Wes is?" Isabelle questioned while trying to keep me up.

" I'll go check for him in the backyard and upper floor." Markian quickly disappeared while I could feel myself smiling heavily for no reason.

" My prince charming!!!!" I shouted as I saw him approach me.
" What did you do to yourself? You look like you killed yourself 5 tmes in a row but never died."

" Nice one. Come on get me." I extended my arms waiting for him to pick me up and as expected, he did.

" Wait no candyyy!!!" I notice candy lying on the snacks table.
" I'm not stopping, we need to take you to your dorm."

" Drop me you evil man I want my candy." I started continuously punching his back but he wasn't giving in.
After I let out a few screams, the whole party gathered around us to see what is happnening.

" There is nothing to see here get off." he yelled at them.
" I want the candy Wesley please"

" No"
" I want it" I threw a huge rage tantrum that consisted of me punching and kicking him while he was carrying me and screaming as well.

"You're not hurting me."
" I want to."
" Good, cause you won't ."
" Why haven't we reached the car yet ? I want to fall asleep."
" We have, fifteen minutes ago, but you wouldn't stop talking."
I looked at my surroundings, and he's right.

" I want to drive."
" No chance Mel, you'll get arrested."
" Give me the keys."
" No I won't ."
" Who taught you what to do? Didn't you always follow my orders?" I spat.
" You won't remember this tomorrow."

" I would say it anyday you do what I ask, what I want. You carry me around, you drive me, all on my request."

" I'm done with this." He let out a heave breath and took out his keys.

" I'm done with you being selfish and not caring about anyone but yourself. I'm tired of you being so arrogant. I'm tired of carrying you around but excuse me for thinking we were friends. Pardon me for believing you could actually see someone other than yourself. Enough of this Melissa. I'm sure it will be easy to find someone to do all those things."

" Of course it will."
" It's called friendship. Something that apparently doesn't exist in your vocabulary." He walked away.

I can see road, I can see light. More road, more light. More road, more light. More light, a car. A car, a car, an extremely close car. Before I knew it, I have somehow collided with the car

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