Chapter 8

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Isabelle's POV

" I don’t know, this situation has been really hard for me. And not about the marks. Ever since my mom died, I could not take it anymore. I thought being away from my dad would make it easier but it was actually harder. I could not bare it. I left him at the time we were supposed to be the closest to each other; I need to be back with him." I sighed.

"But are you sure you want to study there? Won't it be hard to adjust to a new lifestyle? "

" I am willing to do everything for the ones that I love ." I replied.

" Well so am I." he smiled and made me confused.

" What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows .

" I'm applying to a school there, I don’t want to leave you alone Isabelle . I don’t want you to face weakness by yourself, I want to be with you." He smiled gently at me.

" Markian, you don’t have to change your life for me, that'd be really selfish of me to have you change everything just to be with me." I tried discarding politely.

" Isabelle I just want you to answer one question." Markian directed and I slowly nodded my head.

" Yes or no. Would it help you if I came along? If I was closeby?"

I hesitated before replying." Yes."  I slowly and quietly replied.

" In that case , I would like to come. Don’t ever feel a little bit of guilt about that. It's my personal choice Isabelle and I want to go to be there with you." 

" Thank you." I mumbed and he just smiled back at me and that’s when I knew it, I had fallen for him.

 Completely, madly, deeply fallen for him.


Wesley's POV

" Mom, please this is the only thing that can save you right now. Please stop it." I held her palms and squeezed them tightly.

" I tried Wesley, I can't . I always tried. I wanted to be a better mother to you, but I couldn’t. and I never will. I always tried for you. This addiction is stronger than me." She sobbed.

" You were fighting for me this time, fight for yourself. Quit for yourself mom not for me. This is the only way you will get out of this, I don’t want to loose you." A few tears rolled down my cheeks and she extended her hands to wipe them.

" I can't Wesley, you know that. Everything's been so hard for me. I can't even breathe anymore without feeling suffocated." She choked and tried calming hersef down.

" Breathe with me. I can help you get through it. Don’t you get it? You're the only person I have left and I don’t want anything to happen to you so please just do this mom. I promise, I'll help you, we'll walk through this together. I will never give up on you, I can't ." My voice came out soft and I stared into her eyes while she shed a few tears and started nodding her head.

" I want to give yu everything you missed out the last years Wesley. Help me do it."  She wiped her tears and smiled at me.

" Yeah?" she nodded her head back in response and for a moment, I could feel like I was the happiest man to ever exist in the world.

This is finally it, my loved ones will finally be free and it is because of me, I helped them . I got them out of he troubles and helped them get back on their feet. I shall always be grateful for this.

" Let's get you back to the house ."


I saw Isabelle calling me for the seventh time as well as 2 missed calls and 13 texts from Markian . I quickly answered not wanting to cause myself any headache.

" Wesley where are you? Your mom is not here, we looked all over" she yelled through the phone hysterically and panicked.

" Relax, I have her with me." I spoke calmly preparing myself for the volcano about to erupt.

" Are you insane?!" she screamed her guts out over the phone.

" We just need to do a little thing, we'll be back in less than an hour. It's important." I tried calming her down and quickly hung up.

" Let's do this, shall we." I called out to my mother whom I asked to gather all of her alchohol bottles and stack them together.

" This is really great mom. please if there's any other bottle, put it right now. I told you, this is important and has to do with your life." I tried warning her as well as congratulating her for the  achievement.

" This is all." She said.

" Let's do it." 

I grabbed the first and biggest bottle and slowly poured it down the sink doing the same with the second and the third. By the fourth, I started pouring quicker while my mom just stood there watching me.

After a few more  bottles, I was done and went to hug my mom. 

" Everything is going to be alright, I got you." I assured her and she tightened the hug.

We spent a few minuts in that situation before ordering a cab since both our cars crashed each other.


" Where were you? Is your brain lost or something? She is bedsick!" Isabelle greeted with a yell as soon as we got in the room.

" There was something important, it's fine now. We can rest." I let out and breathed once I sat my mother on the bed.

" Is everything going to be alright?" Markian asked.

" Yes, from now on, everything will be the best it could."


3 hours later

" She said yes."
  I was confused  once I read the text Markian sent me and saw him grinning like an idiot.

" Yes to what?" I texted him back and he quickly replied.

" I'm going with her to London." As soon as I read that text I felt like I flew off the couch due to happiness.

" Excuse me umm , I need to take a… sip of air, a breath of air, a bunch of air."  I failed excusing myself successfully and quickly got out signaling Markian to follow.

As soon I saw him exiting the room, I jumped at him and greeted him with a flying hug as well as a loud hoot.

" I can't believe it, I'll be with her." we both yelled excited and started juping.

" I'm so happy for you man , this is going to be great and I'm sure you'll have fun there." I congratulated screeching due to excitement and we both kept jumping again.

That was a moment where I felt it was all true. A moment where I felt everything was perfect.

A moment where I felt that I made everyone around me happy.

Where I felt that I have succeeded. 

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