Chapter 2

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Melissa's POV


All I could see was black. Nothing but black.
Am I dead? I hope I'm not. That'd be a shame. I still have lots to do in life.

"Melissa!" I heard someone call my name. Even though I heard a mere and quite whisper of a familiar voice, I felt the person calling put a lot more effort.

Like they're waking me up. If so, I want to wake up. Nothing but black, I can't see any of my body parts. I focus more hoping to achieve the ability of waking up but, it was of no use.

I tried harder, harder, and even harder. I couldn’t feel my hand although I knew it currently existed.
I heard a few more calls and that’s when I tried my hardest of all to wake up. I pushed myself like I was ripping my soul out of my body and that’s when the dark changed, I saw light.

I reached out for the light and heard some uncomprehendable noises. I pulled my eyelids further apart to help me see. After clearing them a few times by blinking, I could see some people around me in the room.

I tried getting up to recognize their faces until I was pushed down by a few people. I felt some sort of sting on my arm, turned to looked at it and felt extremely dizzy.

I tried fighting the urge of going to sleep but something was really tempting about it. I want to figure out what is happening to me, but maybe not today.

My eyes closed heaviy while the noise filled my eardrums and I could feel myself drifting out. Back to black, because that’s how everything starts.


Wesley's POV

I couldn’t look at either of them. Neither my best friend nor my mother, whom both I have vowed to protect for as long as I can live.

Watching both of them suffer because of the same mistake.

It's really ironic how you can be so destructive yet care about yourself. How you can fight your personal demons thinking you can be somehow happy. I never understood addictions. Maybe because I never had time to.

Ever since my father left us, 2 years ago, I've been trying to keep myself busy. Working different jobs, learning both academically and personally. In 12 months, after graduating high school, I took a small break until I started college.

And in that short while, I learned 2 different languages, 2 different instruments(of course, on begginners level) wrote a novel and, worked a part time job. I guess that’s how it's always been for me, I keep myself busy and I just brush off a certain topic. What bothers me doesn’t in a while.

"Wesley" I heard Isabelle whisper close to me.

" Yeah?" I responded back and saw an extremely worried look on her face.
" You’ve been still for a while, are you okay?" she questioned and I looked into her eyes which sparkled.

Isabelle was the exact opposite of Melissa . Melissa did care for her friends and loved ones, only not enough. While Isabelle was more selfless and very soft. She was actually my only friend before we formed a group and somehow, she was drawn to Markian and I to Melissa. We never lost the closeness though, she was always my go to.

" Yeah, just really tired." I answered.
" Would you like to go home? I'll call you if anything happens."
" You can't watch Mel and my mom at the same time. It's fine, I'll stay."

" Whatever that floats your boat, I'm always here if you need me."
" How can you do that? Always stay calm."

" Wesley, I can see things, Melissa brought this to herself. I saw how she acted with you that night, you don’t deserve that. She's my friend, but I'm not supporting her on the wrong .I worry about her, but I'm not going to worry myself about something she caused to herself because of her selfishness. I find it really weird that you're still here. Both her and your mom hurt themselves by themselves they can't break your heart because of it. They were the ones who were drunk driving and hit each other. I saw you stopping Melissa from driving and I'm sure you tried to stop your mom from her drinking addiction several times."

" If something happens to them, I'll blame myself for it." I spoke truthfully and looked into her brown eyes.

" Don’t, I won't let you. All you can do is guide them. They’ll walk alone. You can come talk to Melissa in a few hours."
" She woke up? I immediately jumped off the chair.

" She's back asleep. She tried waking up but the doctor said it was too early, she'll be up in a while."
"We're going to have a hell of a conversation."
" You don’t say." We both chuckled. And had a nice warm conversation after.


"Melissa!" I saw Markian trying to wake her up
He called her name a few more times with no comeback.

I kept silent and watched Markian and Alexander trying to wake her up. While I stood next to Isabelle silently reassuring each other that everything's going to be fine.

"She's up!" Alexnder shouted and pulled me out of my thoughts and fear of what could happen next.

" Thanks for pulling me out of the black." She spoke quietly and searched the room for a specific presence until we locked eyes. She seemed, and by the look, I assume she remembers what she said.

" Can I have some water?" she requested from Alexander who was sitting right next to her on the hospital bed.
" Sure. Be careful." He passed her an open bottle of water and happily handed it to her but suddenly, his smile dropped and turned into a frown.

" What's wrong?" I was the first to notice his reaction and question it?"
" Mel what was the digit on your mark?"

" Zeros." She answered quickly.
Oh no…. what I feared the worst happened.

" 06 23 55 59"
Everyone kept silent while Markian rushed to try and assure us.
"  It's fine, we can look it up and know what it means. I'm sure someone knows something."
" But we don’t, none of ours changed." Isabelle redeculed.
" I'm sure we can figure something out."
" We should hurry. I think the time stands for 6 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes, 59 seconds. We should set our alarms. Every minute we have is precious."
" I agree, we could all head right now and look up about the marks." Both Alexander and Markian discussed while Mel stared at me.
" Wesley, help me. "

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