Chapter 5

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Markian's POV

I waited for Isabelle to finish the story after we made sure everyone was out, closed the room door and made sure Wesley's mom was still asleep.

She rarely wakes up and whenever she does, she looks pasty. She doesn’t talk to anyone but only says a few words to Wesley and then goes back to sleep.

" So I was basically just sitting down when both Alexander and Melissa banged the door real hard while Wesley was sleeping. I opened the door and they started provoking me and I tried my best to calm them down and cut them short." Isabelle started.

" So what made her attack you?" I asked her.

" All of a sudden she goes on yelling that I should die and starts choking me, I screamed to wake Wesley up and then he and Alexander started throwing hands and Melissa pinned me down the couch and choked me." She finished.

" That’s very strange of them. Alexander maybe, but Melissa was never aggressive. And even stranger, she is bedsick, how could she do all that?"

" For God's sake, she cut down a few of my hairs. You know how much I love it. My hair is natural and doesn’t grow back easily." Isabelle groaned frustratedly.

" It's fine, we'll get you some new hair." I laughed at her.
" Please do, I don’t want to be bald by the time I'm married."

" Poor guy who'd marry you." I spoke sarcastically and she hit my arm.

" Anyways I got the book from some hermit I assume and I feel it might help us out, so I'll start reading it out immediately."

" I don’t know Markian. It's quite futile now, I only have one day left." She pulled on a frown.
" Don’t worry. I'll be done in a few hours and trust me, it will work." I guaranteed her while she gave a faint nod.


Isabelle's POV

" Wesley." I whispered lowly as I tried to wake him up for the fourteenth time but he didn’t seem to budge.

This time, I shook his body sturdily and waited for his response.
" Go away." He moaned sleepily.

" Can we go for a walk?" I whispered hoping for him to be conscious and aware of what I'm saying.

" What time is it?" he rubbed his eyes and got up.
" 3 in the morning." I smiled sheepily at him in order to annoy him even more than I already did.

" Remind me again why would the dear princess Isabelle like to go on a walk at three in the morning."

" I'm bored. Markian went somewhere secluded to finish the book. Half an hour ago, he told me he was almost over and was coming back so I wanted to chat with you until he's back." I grinned widely as he kept staring at me while I explained.

"Bellle I hate youuuuu!" he groaned loudly and I closed his mouth in order to prevent him from waking his mother up.

" She is asleep!" I taunted and he gave me an innocent look.
" I almost forgot she was there."

" So wanna take a walk with me?" I gave him one of those smiles you unintentionally let out when you see your boyband crush to show my excitement.
" Grab your shoes." He growled and we started walking out.


" So how was college going?" I tried starting a conversation with Wesley who was lazing as he walked looking like a  lifeless body due to his lack of sleep.

" I would’ve known if I slept." He teased.

" Now you're making me feel guilty all I wanted was to have some time with you, I don’t know what  will happen tomorrow and wether I will loose you or not." I professed.

" I'm sure nothing is going to happen, and even if it does, we should hope for the best."
" But what if the best doesn’t include all three of us? What if one of us wasn’t there?" I choked.

" Don’t worry Belle, hopefully, we will all be together and quite inseperable." He balmed me.

" I'm just scared Wesley. We don’t know what might happen." I quailed.
" Markian is calling." He paid attention and slided his phone that was buzzing.

" Put him on speaker." I ordered and he did as I said.

" I did it! I found it Wes I found it!" Markian yelled happily over the phone.
" Stop bursting our ear drums and tell us what you found." Wesley spoke back annoyed by his act.

" I found out what the marks mean and how to stop them."

No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! No way!

Both me and Wesley turned to look at each other with mixed emotions overwhelming our eyes.
" M…Meet us back in the room. Now" Wesley commanded and hung up quickly.

" Belle" he whispered and I could feel happiness over taking his voice.

" Let's hope we can do it." I  whispered  back and we both locked eyes for a few seconds.


As soon as I turned the door knob, Wesley pushed it away and ran off to Markian.
" Tell me you got something." He spoke panickly
" I did!" Markian exclaimed excitedly.
" Explain quick." Wesley ordered sternly.

" The marks appear to be some curse that was landed years ago on this town and one of it's main points was to prove selfishness of people. The whole book talks about the events that made some men curse the town but we don’t need to know that."

" The marks stand for the fear of the unknown. The book never stated what exactly happens on the final day, to grow the fear inside people's hearts. This book was hidden for years so no one could help the people soon. A man found it inside his house once he bought it, and luckily, he had some experience with such activities."

" Ok now we know the purpose, how do we fix it?" Wesley was quick to ask.
" To prove selfness, you give up and sacrifice something you love, ad that’s when the curse is off you. But it stated that it has to be something you really love either a feature in yourself, an item, or a person you love."

" Do you think you can do that Isabelle ?" Wesley turned to me as well as Markian and they kept waiting for my answer. I sucked in a huge amount of air and answered.

" I think I can."

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