Chapter 9

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Wesley's POV

" Weshleeeeey" I saw 5 year old Eliana ran over excitedly and jump on me once they emerged the security check.

" I misheeeeed youuuuu" she yelled over my ears and wrapped her legs aound my waist. I grinned widely and showered her with kisses.

" Stop spoiling my girl Wesley, I won't be able to compare to that." Isabelle called and laughed seeing both of us together.

" Too bad , she was my princess since the day she was born weren't you?" I pinched her cheeks and spinned her around before dropping her down on the ground.
" Sometimes I fear that she will love you even more than me." She chuckled and extended her arms for a hug.

" I think she alrady does." I teased and hugged her back.

" Weshley can we  get some ishe cream pleeeeeeash." Eliana pleaded and gave me her puppy eyes.

" Eli, what did we say about caling elder people by their names? Show him respect and call him uncle Wesley please?" Isabelle requested and started wiping Eliana's face.
" But he is fun! I don't want to call him uncle." Eliana pouted and looked at me.

" Your mom is right Eli, do what she says." I agreed before covering my mouth and quietly whispering to her " call me whatever you like" and she giggled.

" I figured you two would be together already." I turned to see Markian and immediately hugged him.

" What can we say? Your daughter is the reason I live." We both chuckled and broke the hug.
" My mom is waiting for you guys on dinner, better hurry." I immediately called and they gathered the rest of their luggage.
" Aunt Ginaaaaaaaaaa!" Eliana yelled enthusiastically and we all chuckled on her excitement.

Since Eliana was born, everything was just thousand times better. Markian and Isabelle got married an year after they left to London and after, this miracle was born.

I couldn't believe it when I first flew there and got to touch her tiny little hands and hold her. It was magic . and most importantly, we needed that.

After everthing that happened 7 years ago, we needed something to free us from the thoughts. It haunted me everyday to think what possibly happened to Melissa.

Suddenly, she flew out of town and we never saw her nor heard from her again. The sudden disappearance made me worry but as Isabelle taught me, I can't worry myself over something she caused to herself.

Eliana was the perfect key to our happiness and helped out every single one of us. Expecially my mom. My mom bascally adored Isabelle an on top of it, Eliana- they were basically everything my mom could ever ask for.

" I'm pretty sure my mom would be waiting on the door holding two apple pies and have baked every single one of Eliana's favourite dishes by now." I informed Isabelle as I drifted the steering wheel using my hands.

Yes, I did get a new car due to Melissa completely crashing my last one.
" Stop being jealous Wesley, it's fine to know you're not her favourite anymore. We all know I am her favourite anyways." Isabelle teased and smirked.

" It's fine uncle Weshley, you're my favourite." Eliana comforted and continued playing a game on her iPad immediately, both Markian and Isabelle gasped and I just kept a smile.

" You're my favourite too cutie." I winked at her

" What has the world come to? My own daughter's favorite person is my best friend." Markian gruntd and Isabelle gave me diry looks.

" Well why don't you ask her? Oh wait, she's busy playing with the iPad she specifically requested to skype me. Ouch, what a pain!" I mocked and we all laughed.


" Oh Isabelle it is so lovely seeing you after all this times." My mother ingulfed Isabelle in a 10 minutes hug and couldn't stop jumping while Isabelle tried to match her level of energy.

"  Mom they were literally here 2 months ago." I called out.

" You'll grow out of it bud. Like she said, you're not the favourite anymore." Markian patted on my back and proceeded to hug my mom.
They all entered the house the last of them, Eliana,stomping the ground with both her feet continuously.


" Eliana darling, I made all the dishes you like. Try my new sweet potato recipe it is fantastic." My mom grinned and handed her the huge plate while me and Isabelle just looked at each other knowingly.

" Thanksh aunt gina, you're the besht." Eliana screeched.
She was still struggling pronouncing the s and it was the cutest thing ever.

" Didn't you say I was the best two hours ago?" I confronted and she gave a guilty look.

" Well you were the besht but now it's aunt gina, she makes the besht food."

" Way to go Eliana, keep up with the good work and you might just get a dog." Markian motivated and everyone at the table laughed.

" So tell me honey, how was London?" mom asked Isabelle and both of them got into their own conversation whatever it  was about.

Both me and Markian excusd ourselves outside and sat by the door step inhaling fresh air.
" It's strange, how everything changed." He said and I nodded in agreement.

" It feels like yesterday doesn't it? I can remember everything, you, Isabelle , my mom. Melissa and Alexander . Everything."
" It was a terrible experience."

" Yeah, but without it, there's so many things we wouldn't have learnt. So many things that wouldn't have happened. You and Isabelle wouldn't have been married. Melissa and Alexander wouldn't be estranged_ which I can't decide wether is a good or a bad thing yet. My mother never would've gotten rid of her addiction. And most importantly, we never would've changed. Each and every single  one of us."

" You are right. I think the marks did happen for a reason. Maybe all those people ever wanted was to change how we see the world."

" I'm grateful for everything so far, I have a family. I have Eliana,  your daughter is basically my medicine. She heals me when I'm not even hurt."

" Eliana is wonderful, she grew up so fast.  I'll tell you what, once she is 17, I'm sending her here to spend a whole year with you. A whole year without anything to worry her mind. Besides, it will be good for you, not to keep you lonely."

" Well first of all, don't you think 12 years is a bit too much time? And second, how do you assume I'll be lonely after all that time?"

" Well that's how you are Wesley, your family is enough for you."

" You're right, you guys are enough for me. I never would've wanted anything else. You guys complete me."

" I know, now c'mon, let's get back inside. They'll be waiting."

" Ah yes, the women of our life."

Heyyy so there won't be a long authors note since I have to stick to a word count☹ anyways, I shall be attatching character astheics as chapter covers so make sure to check them out and thank you for reading this book.

justwriteit , thank you for the opportunity of writing this book and stay safe everyone☺!

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