Chapter 4

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Isabelle's POV

After almost 20 hours of that heated argument, neither me nor Wesley went over to see Melissa and Alexander .

Markian did though , and he came back and expressed how Melissa wasn’t in a good state and how she and Alexander continuously trash talked about me for about half an hour before continuing and saying that Wesley sold them out and that he doesn’t care about them.

"Once this is over, we can talk to them in a mature way." Markian assured me.

" Nothing is mature with them Markian. I'm done with this. Whatever happens next, I'm sure that after it, I won't be friends with them anymore." I sighed

" Well if you made up  your mind, I can't change it so, I'll respect it. And you know I'll always be there."

" I'm sure all this is exhausting to you. Please let me help you." I tried taking a little bit weight off his shoulders.

" Not really, I'm going to read a book about myths and legends. You know how much I love them."

" You read hundreds of those." I laughed.
" Hey! They're nice. And I thought we might find something related to the marks." He spoke back and giggled.

" I'm sure you will. Take care of yourself for me."
" I am. But you need to worry about Wesley . He pointed at his sleepless figure that was talking on the phone with someone.

" He is working himself out too much." I pointed out.
" He needs to rest." Markian agreed.

" I'm going to try to convince him to sleep for a few hours okay?" Markian added.

"Yeah seems fine. Can't wait for this to be over." I let out.

" I promise you once we're out, we're having a bowling and pizza night then binge watching Netflix." He promised and put on a huge grin.

" Can't wait for that." I gave him a small smile back and he went out to talk to Wesley.
A few minutes later, both of them came back in and Wesley looked happy.

" I spoke to some guy he's supposed to have experience with these kind of things. I'm going to get a book from him that’s supposed to help us out big." Wesley announced.

" You can rest, I'll go get the book, just text me the information." Markian suggested but Wesley didn’t seem to agree.

" I can read the book you were going to read while you're gone. That'll be a chance for me to help out. And before you say anything Wesley, we're running short on time so please, let me help you out." I proposed and cut Wesley off.
" I hate you Belle." He called out.

Belle was the nickname he gave me during highschool we would call each other with nicknames whenever we were annoyed by the other or sometimes, just to tease each other and the nickname signifies love no matter what the sentence is.

" Ouch, that’s quite unfortunate. I'm sure you'll get over it honey." I teased and stuck my tongue out.


Markian's POV

I pulled the car over at some strange looking place that I was supposed to pick up the book from.

I felt some weird unease going knowing that no one probably lived in this place, in a matter of fact, I don’t think anyone lived in the whole neighbourhood. It just seems so empty and quiet.

I  entered the house that matched the house number Wesley gave me after knocking the door several times.

" Excuse me?" I called out and no one responded.
I pattered over even further down the hallway looking for someone. The fact that the place was cold and empty was giving me chills.

I pushed the thought to the back of my head as I entered the kitchen hoping I would finally find someone there.

I saw a man sleeping with his head on the kitchen table. I battled the options of wether to wake him up or not to and finally chose to do, by patting his shoulder gently.

At first, he didn't respond but by the third time, he woke up in a jolt.
" Hey! Hey! It's fine , I'm here to pick up the book." I tried to calm him down. Due to the extreme emptiness of this place, I could hear the man's heartbeats that were pumping so fast.

" You can have it, I finished reading it yesterday but unfortunately, it wasn’t on time." The man spoke lowly.

" What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows and waited for him to continue.
" I couldn’t save her" he burst into tears. And I held him to calm him down.

" It's fine. I got you."

After I was able to calm him down, he finally spoke to me.
" I hope this book helps you save your loved ones. And if it does, please help everyone. The whole town needs this."

"I will."

" Thank you for calming me down."  He gently smiled and I cold feel that he had lots going on.
" Umm I'm in a bit of a time but after I'm done, would you mind having lunch with me? I could use some advice from the elder."

" I'm not that old, but sure."
" You can drop by anytime." He completed.


Once the elevator door opened, I ran as quickly as I could to the room where Wesley and Isabelle where in and once I reached there, I barged in through the door but was surprised to the sight ahead.

Melissa was attacking Isabelle while Alexander was choking Wesley. As soon as I analyzed the situation, I jabbed Alexander with a right hook to keep him off Wesley and helped Wesley up as he was extremely coughing.

Wesley immediately ran off to get Melissa off Isabelle while I pushed Alexander and pinned him down .

We called the security as soon as we got the situation under control and we took a moment to have a breath as Melissa and Alexander were dragged away.

" Shame on you! My mother is sleeping in this room!" Wesley shouted over them and tried to get his cool while I went to check on Isabelle .

" Are you hurt somewhere?" I asked her as I gently took her elbow that Melissa twisted.
" I'm fine, I'll just get some ice on my elbow ."

" Why were they attacking you?"

" Because they're senseless that’s why." Wesley called loud and winced at the heavy cut on his face.
" That one's definitely going to last." Isabelle joked.
" You don’t say?" Wesley joked back.

" But seriously, what happened?" I questioned again.
" Well.."

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