Chapter 6

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Isabelle's POV



Deep breaths and keep focused.
" Stop being a baby it's only hair. Plus I've done this thousands of times." Wesley called out annoyed.

" It might be hair to you, but it matters to me. My hair is one of the few things I take pride of because it's a symbol to my race. No matter what I do or change, my hair will always be of a black woman." I noted seriously.

" I know it matters to you. But it's the best thing you can give up." He comforted.

" You're right. Please be gentle I don't want any scars on my bald head."

" I worked two summers at the barber shop. I'm sure I can handle." He pointed out.
"Don't kill her." Markian laughed.

" I wish I could." Wesley laughed back.

" Am I ugly?" I asked Markian as I looked into the mirror and started feeling my bald head.

" Um..... I'd know but your head is kinda blurring my vision." He replied sarcastically.

" Markian please, be serious."
" You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen." He complimented.

" I hope it works."

" You ask yourself the question. Is my hair really that special to me. Do I adore it. Unless the answers aren't yes, you're gonna have to give up something else." He reminded.

" I do, it's the only thing I took from my mother. Our only similarity. Do you think it will grow back?"

" Well considerding the wizards that made this curse, probably not. But we'll keep positive."

" Positivity." I frowned.

" What's up uncle Joe ?" Wesley commented once he came in.

" Haha very funny."

Uncle joe was the janitor of our highschool. For some reason, seniors made fun of him because he was bald. I never understoosd what they thought was funny about it, but he didn't mind it.

" Seriously though, I have about 8 hours left and if it works, we need to help the rest of the town. Starting with your mom, Melissa and Alexander ."

" Remind me again why we need to help them after they tried to kill us?" Wesley scoffed.

" Probably because they're fellow humans Wesley
" Doesn't seem enough of a reason." He grunted.
" No discssions, we're letting them know." I finalized.


We knocked on Melissa's room door for the fifth time with no response. I assume she has cut everyone out since it's a typical brat Melissa. I wasn't very fond of her since I met her, but I was convinced that she was different with the people she actually loved and I still believe so.

For someone like Melissa, she was never ashamed to show us how she thought people are easily replaceable or even the slightest of wrong in that. We foolishly thought that rule excludes us but unsurprisingly, it didn't .

" Can we leave? They don't want our help." Wesley complained childishly.

" You can leave, but I'm not going anywhere until I give them the information. Even if it's not sure yet, we better advice them before time runs out."

" They don't deserve you or your goodness Belle ." Welsey stated.

" One of the few sentences I always remember my mom saying was never to hesitate to help someone and make them happy, even if they don't appreciate it."
" You're paying me back with ice cream." He informed and rolled his eyes.
" Anything for your cute self." I pinched his cheeks and he winced in pain.

" We've been standing here for an hour and they haven't opened yet." Wesley pointed out and rolled back his head.
" I'm going to do something but be careful." I notified him before pattering next to a nurse whom I recognized was treating Melissa for two days. I hope she remembers me.

" Umm excuse me Georgia, me and my friend got locked out of our room. Can you help us back in? Melissa is sleeping and we don't want to wake her up and disturb her." I tried to say as innocently as I could while showing my brown hazel eyes which I learned make people believe my lies.

" Umm yeah sure, let me get my keys." She walked off and came back in a split second.

I watched her slip the key inside the lock and slowly tilting it hoping this could work perfectly.

Thankfully, it did. Georgia was called as soon as the door flapped open which luckily just met my intentions.

" You're magic." Wesley complimented surprised.

" Praise my parents, they allowed this bird to shine and here I am, looking like an eagle." I replied sassily and he just smiled.

" It was an odd metaphor but whatever." He ignored.

We slowly walked inside the room hoping that Melissa and alexander wouldn't make a fuss later.

" Oh there he is." Melissa said once she noticed Wesley come in.

" We have something to tell you." I declared trying to make this quick in order to prevent Wesley from bursting a vein by tolerating them.

" I kinda hoped you'd be dead by now. And you Wesley, good thing you came back to mind. Would you like to tell me how lovely it was selling us over for this hideous creature?" she pointed her fingers disgustedly and smiled smugly.

Wesley gritted his teeth and his fist balled up.

" How's that cut going on champ?" Alexander pointed out sarcastically.

" We just wanted to tell you what we found out. We don't want to pick a fight." I tried saying as nicely as possible but my inside was burning.

" Please zip your mouth before I throw up. Wesley, ask this girl to get out."

" Screw it! I'm done." Wesley walked away and I knew I had to do something quick.

" Wesley Jefferson Paiters. Get back here right now." I called his full name.

" Just for your information, She wanted to help you. You get rid of the marks by sacrifing something you love, I don't think you're capable of doing that Melissa. Hell, I don't think you're cpable of loving someone other than yourself."

" It's either a feauture you like about yourself, an item or someone you love." I finished off Wesley.

" So after all this time, you would like to help us now?" she tried provoking Wesley and I knew he had enough of it by now.

" I really hope you get out of this Melissa because if you do, I get to beat the hell out of you and trust me honey, I can." I warned darefully and made hat nice villain exit with Wesley.

I looked down my wrist to check on my arm and noticed that the digit was
00 00 45 34
I have 45 minutes left.

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