Chapter 7

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Wesley's POV

" This is it, we'll know if it worked." I told Isabelle.
" If it does, we can help your mother and everyone." She said and let out a breath.

" What are you planning on doing after we get out of this?" I asked trying to change the topic.

" Once I finish this semester, I'm planning on changing schools and going to school in London."

That was shocking . She never told us she wants to study there. I knew that her dad went there when her mother died and she decided to study here after highschool and graduate college from here.

" So you have schools in mind there?"

" I haven’t thought about that yet, all I know is that I want to stay with my dad. This whole thing opened my eyes." She answered .

" Well I guess that is good." I sighed and she seemed a bit lost looking around.

I'm sure she'd be thinking about something. I can't even imagine how frightening it might be to go through all this. But she is strong, she is the strongest I have ever seen.

" Wesley." She broke her trance of thought and called me.

I nodded in response waiting for her to complete.

" I want to go to sleep." She said softly. I just kept staring at her trying to comprehend why she said that.

" Can you at least stay awake for the rest 15 minutes?" I tried to plead without peering pressure on her.

" I don’t want to. Please understand me. I'm going to sleep." She rejected and headed to the couch settling herself in a still and comfortable position.

The next fifteen minutes are going to be hell for me. I pulled a chair quietly and positioned it right in front of her to observe her really well.

10 minutes left


" Isabelle ." Markian slightly shook her arm. When he didn’t receive any response, he shook even harder.

" Isabelle ." He called even louder and shook her hardly.
She stayed in a still condition that made us start worrying. Markian looked back at me signaling what should we do and I just shook my head.

" Let me try with her." Markin stepped aside and I tried talking to Isabelle a few times with no answer.

" Isabelle get up right now."  I yelled hoping she would wake up.

" That’s why I don’t sleep around you annoyingheads." I heard her voice and saw her mouth move.

" I hate you Belle. I really do." I mumbled sighing after finally being assured she is fine.

" I hate me too. Would you like to be a sweetheart and get me a blanket?" she requested and flipped on the couch.

" Don’t you want to hear the good news?" markian reminded.
" I'm alive, that’s all I care about." She shrugged and I covered her as per her order.

"Let's get out of here, she won't wake up for the next 12 hours."  Markian laughed and we both went out to get some coffee.


" I'm glad that we're finally out of this and that she is fine." Markian confessed.

" She told me she was going to London. Did you have any idea about that?" I questioned him and he shrugged his shoulders.

" I thought it would happen eventually, but not this soon. She always told me that she wants to be close to her dad again"

" You should apply to some fancy school there. I'm sure you'll get in and you could be with her."I suggested.

"I don’t know, she seems like she needs some space. Maybe it'll bother her if I go there too."

" I love how idiotic you could be sometimes. The only thing she needs right now is you. You're really special to her Markian. And even if she wants to go, don’t let her be alone."

" Besides, what are the odds I get into a school there? I've already studied 2 years here he tried to brush it off.

" Just try it out man, apply into Oxford and if you don’t get in, stay here." I recommended and he seemed a bit convinced.

" We'll see about that. I also wanted to ask when we should wake your mother up. Her time is close so we better hurry."

" I'll have a talk with her after Isabelle wakes up. We have lots to talk about."

" Hope it works out."

" She really has been sleeping for 12 hours." I whispered shocked to Markian while he just smiled.

" I know her, whenever she's stressed out she doesn’t eat and doesn’t sleep. And once she's finally relieved, you cant separate her from the bed and the fridge." We both laughed and kept staring at her sleeping.

" I'll go check my mother." I informed him and headed to the inner room.

We admitted my mother into this hospital, they have great treatment as well as plenty space. The inner room where my mom and the medical equipment stay and her bathroom, there is another outer area. It contains three couches, a table, and a bathroom as well.

I closed the door once I as inside and saw my mother drinking water.

" Hey, it's good you're up, I'd like to speak to you." I notified and she  nodded her head silently.

" First, there's a lot of explaining that I need to do as in what happened the last few days but I'll try to make it short for you mom. And the most important thing that I'd like you to remember, is that I care for you and love you."

She stared blankly and nodded her head while I furthered to narrate what happened lately.

Markian's POV

" Good morning sleeping beauty." I teased and smirked only to be rewarded by a flying cushion.

" Hey! I helped you all these days." I called out.

" Thank you for that, but that doesn’t change the fact that you're annoying." She replied and gave me a fake smile.

" So, how are you feeling?"
" I'm good, I'm grateful that we got through all this finally."

" Isabelle I wanted to talk to you about something. I cut in straight to the point.

" Wesley told you?" she asked knowingly.

" Yeah, but I just wanted to make sure if that’s what you really want."

" I have a lot of views and opinions on this, we'll save it for another day when you have time." She tried avoiding me and running off.

" You're not going anywhere, all my time is for you" I banned and seated her back.

" Honestly…"

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