Chapter 3

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05 21 49 48

Wesley's POV

Still nothing, we have been looking up for over 20 hours but we still have nothing. Everything we read in the books just leads us to a dead end. We searched a whole library looking for one simple book that could give us an information we don't already know.

I slam a book back to it's shelf hardly causing the shelf to fall backwards. Thankfully, the library was always empty. Our town students didn't exactly care about studying or college at all.

Only a few as to me, Isabelle, Markian, and about 10 other students cared to study out of the whole town.

I slammed a few books back out of frustration before noticing Isabelle emerging from behind the bookshelf.

"Alexander thinks we should sit together and talk. He assumes it'll be better than each of us on his own."

"I'll text him, I'll be there in a few minutes"

" Wesley, do you need anything?" she asked and gave me a small smile.

I took in a large amount of air before replying" No, I'm just tired."

" You're out of breath, why don't we sit down for a while." She suggested more like forced and before I could decline, she had her hands on my shoulder pushing me down.
" You're really strong." I complimented jokingly.
" Thanks, I get that from my dad. She smirked and started tieing up her hair.

"You're really wonderful. I wish you were born into our house, that would've been much easier."

" If so, I'd never get a chance to be myself."

" True."

She finished tieing up her hair and just kept looking at me. I stare at her back in admiration. While she continues to showcase her dimples.

" I wanted to tell you something Wesley. But you need to promise me not to freak out."

" You know I will if it has to do with someone I love."

" The day before the party, my mark changed as well. I didn't want to tell you because you were stressed about your mom and all, but now it's nearing. "
I refuse to reply and pull her wrist up to check the digit.

02 20 38 21
" Isabelle , that's two days away. How could you not tell me?" I half yelled.

" We'll talk about this later, we need to join them now. Melissa is up again." She quickly responded.

Isabelle's POV

" Isabelle's mark changed." Wesley dropped out as soon as we entered the door.

" Thanks joyful Mr. Wesley Paiters. Would you like to reveal anything else?" I bit back sarcastically and eyed him while he didn't care much.

"Alexander's as well." Markian let out and now it was all of us looking at each other trying to comfort each other equally while trying to not worry.

" We need to think this out, not through the books. Did anyone find anything new on them?"
All of us shook our heads and continued gazing at the floor.

" Get this, I talked to everyone I could whom his mark changed. Thankfully, the countdown rarely pointed to death but most of the times, some serious event. Fatal accidents, fires, injuries which resulted huge loss. I'm not sure on anything yet, but I'm 90 percent sure nothing leads to death."

" Where does the other 10 percent go?" Alexander inquired.

" The person might probably die." Markian warned and a concerned look took over Melissa's face.

" Me and Markian will look through this. Alexander and Melissa need to stay together. Isabelle, from now on, you stay with me. We will stay with my mom. If anything even if the slightest happens, tell me immediately. And don't worry ok? We got this." He commanded as softly as he could.

" Wesley please don't leave me alone please." Melissa pleaded and waited for him to obey while he just looked at her.

" Isabelle's time is the closest I need to use every single minute I have."
" Don't leave me Wesley please stay here."

" Melissa , I can't and you know that." I noticed the sternity in his voice. He didn't use any nickname nor did his eyes reflect the love they always did.

" You can't abandon both of us for Isabelle ." Alexander cut in.

" I'm not, and if you two are so short sighted that's not my problem. If we find out what's wrong before her time arrives, we will be able to save you two before as well."

" That's not you talking Wesley. I know you would never do this to me." Melissa implied.
" Everything doesn't go as you wish Melissa, not anymore."

" What did she say to you that made you hate us? She's lying. She wants to take you away from us." Melissa yelled.

" You're under heavy medication go back to sleep." Wesley ordered and quietly exited the room.
Both me and markian stood silently watching Wesley hit them with the truth while waiting to get out of that tension filled area.


Markian seated me on the couch and ordered me to do nothing but breathe while they worked the history of every person whose mark changed in this town. I watched them discussing and writing down a few details as well as calling some people.

Never have I felt this much unease and I repeat never. Both Wesley and Markian were heavily stressed and it's written all over their foreheads. They were so involved and I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to do all these things.

" Thank you." I blurted out loudly.
" We'd do anything for you Isabelle ." Markian smiled at me and Wesley gestured the same.
" Do you have any idea what it can be Isabelle ?" Wesley asked.
" I don't know, nothing happened to me these days. It was pretty normal."

" Are you sure? You didn't notice anything? Or pain or any sort of thing?"
" Not really, I felt pretty good."

"Okay stay here we will get you some food you can have some rest." Markian requested politely.

" Can you two take care of yourselves? Please.You're tiring yourselves a lot for me." I pleaded them.

"We will, we promise. We just need to make sure you're safe." Markian showed off his brown hazel eyes that looked breathtaking and moved back a few of his curls to smile at me even wider. And Wesley kept a nice big smile plastered on his face.

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