Flowers - Levi x Reader

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Pain was an inescapable emotion; Levi knew this firsthand from multiple experiences.

He wanted nothing more than to be left alone now, surrounded by a calming darkness and silence that only he could be comfortable in.

He sat in a chair in his darkened room, his steel eyes trained on the vast nothingness outside of the window the moonlight used to illuminate Levi's frozen body.

He swirled his full glass and its contents around; although he didn't understand why he bothered using one in the first place when he intended to drink the entire bottle of vodka he had snagged from the kitchen anyway.

Seeing someone die twice was something he could handle. Death was a daily part of his life and job; but seeing it happen twice to someone he loved and cared about? That was a whole different story.

Levi lifted the full glass to his lips, downing the clear liquid without even coughing. He didn't feel it burn his throat as it slid down. He felt nothing. He had gone numb days ago.

He should have known that that dream was more than just a nightmare; he should have trusted his instinct and gut the second he woke up that morning.

But he didn't, and now look at the mess he had become. He led her right to her death. It was his fault.

He had seen many people come and go from his life, and she had always been there, no matter how hard he tried to push her away. She always comforted him and brought him back around. How could she do that this time when she was the one to leave?

Isabel, Farlan, Gunther, Eld, Petra, Auruo... and now (F/N). The only one he had ever completely opened up to, the only one who saw how broken and lonely he actually was, the only one who knew who he was.

His secrets were going to die with her, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. There was still so much he had to tell her, so much explain and do.

A frustrated groan rumbled from deep within him, and Levi felt himself launching the empty glass at the wall beside him before burying his face into his hands.

It wasn't fair. What had he done to deserve all of these losses? The big power upstairs could have taken anyone else, or even the remainder of the army, as long as she got to stay by his side.

He glanced over at the shattered glass, a frown forming at the sight of the millions of glittering pieces decorating his room floor. Now how was he supposed to keep his glass full when he didn't even have one anymore?

"Everything is just wrong," he growled, stooping down and picking up the entire bottle of alcohol by the neck and throwing his head back to chug most of it. He didn't care if it killed him. He didn't care. Why should he?

"Levi, I think you've had enough."

"Fuck you," he murmured, vision swimming and head spinning. He just wanted to die. He just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his miserable life.

Footsteps drew nearer, and Levi found himself cradling the bottle protectively.

"To hell with you if you take this away from me," he spat, glaring at Erwin, who only frowned in response and retracted his hand away from the drunken male.

"Very well then," he responded, joining his hands together behind his back as he turned to stare out the same window Levi had been. "You can't do this forever, though. You can't just stay in here in your room with alcohol for the next twenty years, Levi."

"You just watch me," he hissed, eyes narrowing as he stared out. "Go away."

"This isn't what she would have wanted. She would have wanted you to carry on."

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