The Point of No Return (Part 2) - Apocalypse!AU - Armin x Reader

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"That stings, Armin!"

"(F/N), please stop fighting me and just let me clean your wound before it gets infected!" Armin pleaded, holding the alcohol stained cotton ball away from her face as she pouted.

"It isn't going to get infected," she argued, swatting his hands away when he tried to press it against the cut above her eyebrow; a cut she hadn't noticed Reiner had given her until Armin pointed out how dirty it was.

Maybe that was why; her face had been so filthy that she hadn't noticed the dried up blood and deep cut on her forehead. She didn't even know how Reiner managed to carve into her, she just knew that he had done it because it wasn't there before.

Armin glared at her, actually glared, with such authority she felt somewhat intimidated.

"We don't have the antibiotics to cure any infections, so for the love of all that is holy, (F/N), let me clean that stupid cut!" His voice had nearly risen to a shout, drawing attention from almost everyone in the room.

She heard Jean snicker from the corner of the room. "(F/N), you better let him clean that before he says something bad like 'darn' or 'heck.'"

She scowled at his words and almost got up to smack him, only being held back by the slight shake of Armin's head.

"I definitely didn't miss you," she snapped, crossing her arms.

"(F/N), please don't start," Armin mumbled, gently pressing the cotton ball to the cut again and making her hiss in pain; except this time, she didn't hit his arm away from her.

She could practically hear Jean rolling his eyes as he pushed his wire rimmed glasses down and focused back on the book he had his nose buried in, mumbling things under his breath.

(F/N) sighed as Armin dabbed at the cut, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated.

Words couldn't describe how happy she was. She had found her friends and more importantly Armin, and they were well fed and healthy. She was happy that Armin had been taken cared of while she was absent from the group, his hair silky and shiny and seeming to be eating normally. There was no sign of sickness and for that she was grateful.

After their emotional reunion, she had been all but tackled to the ground by Sasha and Connie, both crying just as hard as Armin and screaming about how happy they were that she was back and alive. Marco had pried them off shortly after and provided her with a much more gentle and warm hug, welcoming her back with his trademark smile. Her and Jean had simply shook hands and nodded in respect, and although neither of them would ever admit it, they were pretty ecstatic that the other was alright.

Due to being so close with Eren, (F/N) had become pretty close with Mikasa when the Jaeger's took her in when they were nine. Their reunion wasn't as emotional, but both still cried a little since Mikasa was pretty much family to (F/N) and vice versa.

Sasha had made a point to show her how things worked down in the basement afterwards, from how the kitchen worked with the solar and gas powered generator in a closet in the very back of the room, to how they actually had running water from a well deep in the woods that was connected with a river as well. 

The river water went through a home-made filtration system that the original owners of the cabin had come up with, making it pretty clean and safe to use for cooking and washing. The only downside was that all of the clothes had to be hand washed due to the lack of a washer and dryer downstairs, and the ones upstairs would cause too much noise.

Despite the cold water in the shower, (F/N) was extremely grateful to actually bathe and scrub herself from head to toe. She had never felt more clean in her life than when she stepped out of the tub, her short hair smooth and tangle-free and her body sparkling. She felt so much better.

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