War Zone - Eren X Reader

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"You guys are acting like a bunch of twelve year old's," Annie grumbled, watching as Connie swung his pillow around and smack Sasha right in the face with it. The piece of bread that had been in her hand went flying across the room. 

"You jerk!" She hissed, grabbing her own pillow and launching it at the bald teenager. You shook your head as the two idiots battled it out, feathers from their pillows flying all over the room with each hit. If they kept it up, they would only have cloth to put their heads on. 

"This is a fine example of why we don't give any sugar to Connie," you stated at the same time Sasha screamed out an unintelligible profanity.

Eren nodded in agreement beside you, rolling his eyes as the two continued their spat. "If Shadis comes in they're dead." 

You soon lost interest in the pillow fight and found yourself daydreaming while staring at the wall in front of you. You probably would have fallen asleep if it hadn't of been for a pillow being shoved into your face. 

"Have some fun for once, (F/N)!" Sasha chirped. 

"Ha, no thanks," You grumbled, taking the pillow and hurling it across the room; right into the back of Jean's head. 

"Ow! Connie!" He yelled, spinning around and glaring at the innocent one. 

Connie held up two hands in mock surrender. "It wasn't me!" 

Jean scoffed and picked the discarded pillow up. He flung it back in Connie's direction. However, his aim was way off and the pillow went soaring into another person; Krista. 

As soon as the small squeak escaped the blondes lips, Ymir's head popped up, eyes set into a death glare as she scanned the room for the origin. As soon as she locked eyes with Jean, she scrambled for the pillow and ran at him with it. 

"Watch where you're throwing things, dumb ass!" She screamed, smacking the horse-face upside the head with it. 

"Oh boy," Eren murmured. His turquoise eyes lit up with excitement as Ymir continued her onslaught. "Yeah! Get him good, Ymir!" He called, cheering her on. 

"Fuck off, Jaeger!" Jean snatched the new fluffy weapon out of Ymir's hand and threw it at Eren. This time, the pillow hit it's target - right in the face. 

With the force of the throw, Eren fell off the bed he was perched on, emitting a soft 'oof' from his lips as he landed on his back. 

It was silent for a moment, and you began to think that the mini war was over. That is until Mikasa quietly got up and began attacking Jean with a different pillow. 

That was how all hell broke loose.


"Connie the left! No, your other left!" 

You yelped in fear and ducked down as a pillow went whizzing past your head. This was absolute madness! 

As soon as Mikasa began her own assault on Jean, Sasha idiotically came to his defense and hit Mikasa with her pillow. 

Connie was at least in the right mind and knew how dangerous it was to even consider hitting Mikasa and attacked Sasha. 

Everything else was a blur to you; all you knew now was that everyone in the sleeping quarters were screaming and running around with pillows like a bunch of wild animals. 

Armin and Jean built a fort and now Connie and Jean were defending it from Sasha who used Reiner as a boost. Armin was half sticking out of the fort and tugging on the muscular blondes arm in an attempt to get him safely inside the barrier. 

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