Constellations - Jean X Reader

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"What the hell are you trying to say?!" 

"I think you know damn well what I'm saying, Jaeger!" 

You sighed at the sound of the usual fight being initiated between Jean and Eren. This was a typical night; nothing had changed ever since their first encounter on the first night in training two and a half years ago. You watched as the two continued screaming at each other, waiting for it to turn physical like it always did. 

"Gee, those two really need some anger management classes," Connie commented from beside you. He snorted at his own joke. "Too bad there isn't one offered here." 

"You think you're better than me? Is that it?!" 

Jean swung his fist around at the same time Eren swung his leg back, both males going for the first hit. 

You watched in mild amusement as their verbal fight turned physical, both screaming and shouting profanities while Marco and Mikasa moved in to separate the two moronic trainees. 

"Nothing will ever change with them," you said, turning your attention back to your dinner as Jean  stormed out of the room. At this point, you had lost your appetite and had zero interest in the gloppy food before you. You glanced at Sasha and pushed your tray over to her, who took it eagerly and immediately started scarfing it down. 

"I'm heading to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow," you told them, standing up and exiting the building. You shivered slightly as the cool breeze hit you, blowing your skirt back as you walked towards the girls sleeping quarters. 

However on your way back, you decided to take a small detour and went the long way; the scenery way. You smiled up at the black sky littered with twinkling stars. You had always loved looking up at them and finding what used to be called 'constellations.' You read about them in a book you had stolen from your grandparents basement. 

You sighed in contentment as your eyes studied the bright dots and picked out the constellations you had memorized. 

You were in the process of searching for your favorite, Sagittarius you think it was called, when you slammed right into someone, sending the both of you to the ground. 

"Watch where you're going!" The person yelled. You shot a glare at the familiar voice as you landed on your butt. 

"You don't have to be so rude about it, Kirschtein," you sneered. Jean shot you an irritated look and stood back up. 

You expected him to ignore you and leave, but instead he offered you his hand. You took it, surprised that he hadn't stormed away from you yet. Jean pulled you up and you looked at him, curious and confused as to why he even helped. 

His eyes softened when they met yours. 

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, stepping back and looking off to the side. Your own scowl disappeared at his words. He was apologizing? 

You shook your head. "No, it's my fault, you were right. I should have been paying attention to where I was walking. I'm sorry." 

Jean blew out a breath and gave you a weak smile. "Truce then?"

You returned his grin and nodded. "Truce." 

"What were you even looking at?" He asked, looking up at the sky. 

You shrugged and stepped closer to him, pointing at the stars. "Constellations. I was looking for a particular one."

Jean gave you a weird look. "Constewhat?" 

You giggled. "Constellations. They're shapes stars make. I learned about them from a book I found. I was looking for my favorite, Sagittarius." 

Jean suddenly seemed very interested in what you had to say, for he looked back up towards the sky in awe. 

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