Safari - Hanji x Reader

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Mistake. It was all such a huge mistake and you completely blamed Hanji - you hated yourself for getting mixed in with the mad scientist and accidentally becoming her assistant. 

It all started when she begged for you to come help her out with something in the lab a month after you signed up to be her helper; apparently having only Moblit wasn't enough to torture. 

You sat on one of the stools across from the woman as she stared at a bunch of paperwork and reports on her two precious titans. You were unbelievably bored and Moblit was too busy off doing whatever it was Moblit's do to entertain you. 

You sighed again and blindly reached for your glass of water. You brought the glass to your lips and guzzled half of it. You frowned when the water was suddenly warm and not cold like it had been five minutes earlier. 

Your eyes dragged away from the plain wall and locked on the glass. 

"Ah, fuck," you breathed when you noticed the little numbers and markings that indicated that you just drank out of a beaker; a beaker of not water. You had no idea what it was, but you were pretty upset that your hand had completely missed touching your actual glass of water and gotten you to drink whatever the hell it was you just drank.

If you died, you were cutting off your hand in the afterlife. It was such an asshole. 

"Hey Hanji," you called out lazily. She looked up at you. 


"I think I just drank one of your experiments," you informed her. You slid the beaker across the metal table to her. She picked it up and frowned. 

Hanji didn't say a word as she sniffed the chemical. Her frown deepened. "What the actual hell is this?" She muttered to herself. You shrugged. You were so going to die. 

You continued to watch as Hanji examined the beaker of the clear liquid. Then, she dipped a finger in it. Then, she brought the glass up and drank the rest of it. 

"Hanji!" You exclaimed, slamming your hands down on the table. "What the hell are you doing?" 

The scientist shot you a brilliant smile and set the now empty glass down. "I don't think it's lethal, (F/N). We'll be fine."

"Why did you drink that?!"

"You did too."

"It was an accident when I did!"

"Then we'll file mine off as an accident as well," Hanji said. She turned back to the papers in front of her. "It's probably no big deal. Stop worrying. Knowing myself, it was probably some new cleaning solution before all of the harmful chemicals."

You scoffed at her optimism but nevertheless settled back down on your stool, resuming your boredom. Why were you even still  in there?

The large door behind Hanji creaked open and in stepped a familiar figure. 

"Moblit!" You shouted, sitting up straighter on your stool and giving the other assistant a large, toothy smile. "Where have you been?"

"Just taking care of a few extra things. I was also getting the daily report on Bean and Sonny for Squad Leader Hanji here," Moblit responded. As he spoke, he set the few amount of papers down next to the quiet Hanji. 

His eyes then locked on the empty beaker and he frowned. "What happened to whatever that was?"

"None of your damn business, Moblit," you snapped. "That was stepping over the line and I'm quite offended. Stay out of my personal life you little shit."

The man snorted ungracefully and crossed his arms. "Yeah. Okay." 

At that moment, Hanji turned around and offered the glass to Moblit. You noticed there was still enough left for three or four sips. 

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