Welcome to the Survey Corps (Part 3) - Jean x Reader

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Just a little note - this part doesn't really follow the original Attack on Titan story line. In the original anime and manga, the expedition with the appearance of the Female Titan is their first. In this one shot, that expedition has not happened yet and is not their first. Instead, the expedition that does occur in this plot, is the first.



"Sitting there with an overly concerned facial expression is only going to make everyone else worried, (F/N)."

She sighed softly and glanced over Commander Erwin. 

"I know. I can't help it though," she admitted. She had been over-thinking everything for the past two days. Most of her thoughts looped back to Jean and his safety and what could go wrong on this expedition. Being so unfocused would only get herself killed, but she couldn't stop her thoughts. They were going crazy over this boy.

Erwin shifted on his horse and leaned to the side to place a heavy hand on her shoulder. "Just concentrate on today, alright? Concentrate on keeping yourself alive. Don't lose focus and get yourself eaten by one of them."

(F/N) tightened her hands on the horses reins as her mind reeled back to Jean. What if he lost focus and got eaten? 


She blinked back to reality and met Erwin's concerned eyes. "Huh?"

"Maybe you should stay behind today," he frowned. Almost instantly panic bubbled up inside of her. 

"No no no, I'll be okay, really. I just need a few moments to get myself together, honestly. Please don't send me back, Erwin," (F/N) pleaded, eyes desperate. His frown stayed in place and he shook his head. 

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be going outside the Walls like this. You aren't focused and you're too busy worrying about others. Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful that you do that, but you need to worry about yourself too."

"Erwin, please-"

"I'll get Mike to escort you back."


He ignored (F/N)'s protests and called upon his right hand man, Mike Zacharius. The latter dug his heel into the horses side to move him forward and up next to Erwin, his eyes curious. 

"I need you to take (F/N) back to headquarters," Erwin explained. "She's too panicked and stressed. Going on an expedition is the last thing she needs to be doing right now."

(F/N) could feel her temper rising. "Erwin stop. I am not leaving. I am going on this expedition."

The Commander looked back at her and shook his head again. "You're going back, and that is an order."

She gaped at him. How could he do this to her? 

Erwin turned to Mike and nodded at the quieter man, who pushed his horse forwarded and gestured for (F/N) to follow him back down the cobblestone road. 

At first she wasn't going to. She was actually going to go against Erwin's orders and stay right there; that is until she saw just how serious he was about this. 

She snapped her open mouth shut and settled for glaring at him the entire time she turned her horse around and galloped after Mike.

She kept her head hung low as they clip-clopped down the street, tears of anger and distress running down her face. She tried her best to keep her eyes cast downwards, but when she neared Jean, she couldn't help but glance up into his light eyes. 

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