Tough Love - Drunk!Hanji x Drunk!Reader x Drunk!Levi

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My first request. Thank you to creepypasta42 for it, I hope this was what you were asking for!


Drinking was never something you were particularly fond of. Sure, you had the occasional drink here and there, but never have you gotten drunk. It never interested you, and this came as a huge shock to Squad Leader Hanji Zoe. 

In fact, it would be nothing short to say that the mad scientist was horrified by your claim. It was then that she declared that on the next time you both were free, she would take you into town and to some of the best pubs she knew of. 

At first you were okay with this. It wasn't hard to say no to her and you certainly would after the first few rounds of drinks. There was no way you were allowing this woman to get you wasted. 

However, this all abruptly changed when she somehow managed to drag Lance Corporal Levi into her planned night on the town.

Now you had absolutely nothing against the shorter man. He had never done anything to you because you tended to stay out of his way most of the time.

You didn't know how Hanji convinced him to join the two of you and you didn't understand why she even invited him in the first place. At the same time though, you were overly curious to see how both of them act when drunk and in a stress free environment. 

Unfortunately, your night wasn't going to go the way you wanted.


"Damn it, Hanji, stop it!" You snapped as the woman herself slid yet another pint of alcohol to you. This was the third one she had given you; and you weren't even done with the second. You were fine with three, you just wished she would slow down. 

Levi clicked his tongue as he sipped out of his own cup. He hadn't said much in the past hour and was only drinking a little bit so far. 

"Shitty Glasses let the girl finish what she has before you start dumping more down her throat," he reprimanded. Hanji pouted but complied, sitting back in her chair and bringing her glass to her lips. She sent you an oversized grin before downing nearly half the thing. 

You shook your head in disbelief as you drank. She was crazy. Absolutely crazy. 

When you finally managed to drain all three glasses, you settled back in your seat with a content sigh. Three was fine. The perfect amount. You didn't need anymore.

Hanji thought otherwise. 

"Here ya go!" She announced as she set down another pint. 

You resisted the urge to glower up at her. "Hanji, I told you. I'm stopping at three." 

She shook her head and pointed at the glass. "I don't care what you said. Drink."

You scowled. "I don't see you forcing Levi to drink!"

"That's because unlike you, he's willing. He wants to drink, therefore I have no need to force him."

"It's not nice to force people to drink, Hanji. That's peer pressure."

Hanji groaned and pushed the glass closer to you. "Oh my god just drink the damn thing. It won't kill you to let loose and enjoy yourself for once. Don't be such a loser and killjoy."

You felt a flicker of annoyance. So she thought you couldn't have fun? Was that it? 

You grabbed the handle of the glass with a new determination and guzzled it, leaving both Hanji and Levi staring at you in shock. You slammed the glass back down and looked at her with a smirk. 

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