Line Without a Hook

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january fourth, 2020

.. 8:30 a.m. ..

ami woke up to some clashing outside and talking. she peeked through her door to find alex washing some dishes she used yesterday, talking to his phone as he did so.

"so what do i do guys?" he speaks up.

"i say don't be a big pussy." the british voice from yesterday appears.

"or just ignore them and hope they go away," another british voice says.

"well, i'm probably gonna have to go with the second one."

"big q, you're brave, you can do either one."

"i'm not the bravest, tommy."

"oh sure you are! i'm sure george can back me up, right george not found?"

"uh yeah. what he said."

"okay.. well i need to end this call. i gotta get back to my house and hope karl didn't completely tear it apart."

"i must stream! wanna do a stream together?" 

"i can't tommy, i have to work on some school things and get prepared for an exam coming next week."

"but big q, it'll be so much better with you there!"

"let it go tommy, school is more important.

"says the one who couldn't get into a college!"

"shut up-"

ami heard the noise bug out, and heard a sigh from alex.

"they're never any help." he mumbles, just loud enough for ami to hear. 

she decides to look up tommy innit, as she told herself she would last night. maybe it'd help her understand why alex is so annoying to her. she plugs in headphones and begins the first video she can find.

"hey guys, so today we tested..." 

it drowns out as she takes out one earbud, rubbing her forehead and taking a long breath. she leaves the video playing as she gets up, and heads to her kitchen. she finds a note on the counter, with alex nowhere to be seen. the note only said that he'd left and that she shouldn't skip breakfast. it also included a small part which thanked her for letting him stay over. she smiled and went back into her room with a small poptart bag. as she opens it, she puts her earbuds both in and hears alex's voice coming from the video she was watching. 

"what the fuck." she says, exiting the video and looking in the description. she finds a link to each channel and clicks them, one by one. she watches a video and leaves when it's not him. she did so three times before finding what might've been his youtube channel. she notices that he has a massive following of 4.62 million subscribers. all of his videos have over two to three million views each, which is surprising. she grabbed her phone, changing his contact name from alex to *duckboy*. she chose to call him, with him not picking up. "i guess he wasn't lying about having to prep for exams.." she mumbled, shaking her head. she scrolls through his channel, watching some of his videos, laughing, and ignoring the calls going through.

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