we fell in love in october

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january fifth, 2020

.. 3:30 p.m. ..

ami had finally finished her shift, leaving straight to her home. she called kale on the way.

"hey kale, could you wash the clothes i left in my room?"

"oh, yeah."

"thank you. i'll pick them up the next time i come over."

"okay, cool. any plans for tonight, ami?"

"yeah, actually. i was gonna hang out with alex. maybe we'd go to a park or something, f*ck aroudn with the play equipment." ami replied, giggling a bit.

"oh, nice. i'll let you go so you can get ready for your date."

ami rolled her eyes, "it's not a date, kale. i don't even like him like that. i doubt he does with how crazy he is."

"you just need to know him better, ami. promise me that you'll work on not thinking of him as annoying or anything."

"fine, i promise."

"thank you. bye now!"

ami rolled her eyes and shook her head. she thought for a moment on if she really did think that alex was annoying. he was always trying to get to know her better, maybe it was time she started trying more. 

.. 4:01 p.m. ..

she'd gotten home, and started picking an outfit to wear to the park. she checked the weather, and decided on plaid pants with a crop-top. she grabbed a purse and shoved her keys in. then, she took out her phone and texted alex, saying she was on her way to the park.

he replied that he was also on his way there,  just five minutes away. she smiled, and left her apartment, heading to the park. she soon realized that her arms would be cold, with her body shivering slightly.  as she got there, she sat on a bench, waiting for alex to come. she glanced at her phone, scrolling through social media, coming on posts upon posts about "quackity". they were mainly filled with fancams, which she thought was kinda weird considering he's not as famous as any k-pop stars. 

"hey," she heard from behind her. she jumped a little.

"oh. hi alex."

"so how was the rest of your shift?"

"it was fine. got a few annoying people, but other than that, fine."


"did you do anything for your school?"

"uh, yeah. lots of work to do!"

"well you really shouldn't get behind, considering you're in law school, huh?"

"i guess."

"wow, that's all i recieve for giving advice?"

"it wasn't really advice, mamacita."

"it totally was, pendejo."

"yeah right."

they pause, looking to the sky and smiling softly.

"you look chilly, ami. do you want my hoodie or something?"

"you don't have to give it to me."

"nah, it's fine. take it," he replies, taking his hoodie off and shoving it towards the girl."

"well, thank you." she blushes, putting the hoodie on and fiddling with the arms.

they hear barking in the distance, bringing their heads up to look at it. a dog had a leash dragging behind it, with a person screaming. alex rushed up, beginning to chase the dog too.

"wait, alex-" ami began, standing up to follow him. alex got closer to the dog, being able to grab the leash and hold it still. "alex! you didn't know if it was aggressive."

"dogs have to have muzzles if they're aggressive, ami. it's okay. i'm gonna give this puppy back to its owner. go ahead and get back to the bench!" alex tells her, before taking off towards the supposed owner. ami glanced towards him once more before going to a bench and resting. 

"here's your dog," alex says. 

"thank you so much sir! wait, are you quackity?"

"yep, guess i am."

"you seem nicer in real life."

"um, thanks. i need to get back now."

"is she your girlfriend? when did you two start dating? you look cute together,"

"i wish. now i really have to go. it's always nice to meet a fan." alex replies, turning away from the young girl and heading back to ami. he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and shakes his head.

"what was that about?"

"oh nothing, really. she just thought she knew me from somewhere."


"no where special, don't worry about it ami."

"yeah okay.  anyways, can we go to some stores? i just realized that i need some clothes."

"it's a bit late, so i don't know what's open, but sure. let's go!" alex said, pumping his fists.

ami smiled at his reaction, "puta." 


"what? i didn't say anything."

"except you did, amitola!" 

she smirked, walking away from him. 

"wait! what the hell." he yelled, following her.

"let's just get on the bus, duck boy." she slipped up on the nickname, covering her mouth afterwards.

"why'd you call me 'duck boy'? the fuck?"

"you just seem like a total duck: idiotic and not able to get wet."

"what's that last part supposed to mean?"

"you don't take showers. it's so simple, just proves your idiocy."


they smile at each other, getting onto the bus that just arrived.

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