Chapter One

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Ok, so first of all, this story was originally written on YouTube (in the description box), but people suggested I put it up here. I thought about it and decided to do so, but I have not changed any of the chapters or made them longer. Since YouTube allows limited characters in the description box, the chapters are relatively short, so sorry about that.

Another thing about this story is that I don't think it is that amazing, because I wasn't as well of a writer as I think I am now. Since I began writing these in May, I have become a lot more experienced, and if I do say so myself, I think I am much better than I used to be when writing this story, so I am sorry about that. I don't write the way I used to. Other than that, enjoy.


~Charlotte's POV~

I slammed my alarm clock for it to shut up and hopped out of bed. I had a quick shower and then got changed into - .. I then blow-dried my dirty blonde hair and curled it a little. I applied a thin layer of makeup, grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs to have breakfast. I ate my cornflakes by myself as mum and dad started work early. I heard my little brother, Daniel, come downstairs. He was tall for a fourteen year old, with brunette hair and blue eyes. I said bye to him and told him not to miss his bus, then walked outside. Of course, my bestfriend in the whole world, Niall, was waiting outside for me.

"How long have you been waiting?" I asked.

"Only five minutes," he replied, hugging me. "I see you're rocking the leopard print," he said, nodding to my outfit.

"Well, I love leopard print, so just put this on."

"And you're wearing the necklace I bought you." He touched it.

"Niall, you say that every morning. I always wear it." I looked at him. He had light blonde hair with brown roots but he was a natural brunette. He also had the nicest shade of blue for eyes.

"I know, but still. I'm glad you wear it. Anyway, hop on," he said, bending down a little in front of me.

"No, I wanna try to give you a piggy back this time," I said, moving in front of him.

He jumped on me and I grabbed his legs. "Ok, I can't carry you," I said, letting him go.

He laughed, "No shit! Now get on my back." I jumped on his back and held on his shoulders. "Gosh, you weigh a ton!" He joked. I hit his head and he just chuckled.

"I hate you!" I yelled, laughing.

"I love you too babe."

He carried me on his back until we got to school, then he put me down. We walked into school and sat under the same tree we do everyday until the bell rang. People always thoguht we were dating, but we only saw each other as friends. Really good friends.

"Where's Stacey?" Niall asked. Stacey was my best 'girl' friend. She had black hair with green eyes.

"She said she will meet us in English. She will be running late she said." I replied.

He nodded and then the bell rang. We headed to Math and sat at the back, minding a desk for Stacey.

"Ok, class, maths textbooks out," Mrs Hawthorne said. She then received a phone call. All we could hear was "Uh huh... yepp.. ok, be there in a sec." Then she hung up and said, "Ok class, Miss Tamsworth needs me so you all get a free period." and then she walked out.

I turned to Niall, "Oi, you wanna play that game we always play where we ask each other random questions and the other HAS to answer?"

"Sure," he said, then started, "Ok, have you ever kissed a boy?"

"No," I replied and blushed.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really! I want my first kiss to be perfect!"

"Ok, ask me now." he said.

"Uhm... If you could change anything about you, what would it be?"

"My teeth," he replied immediately.

"Why? You have an amazing smile, no joke." He blushed.

"Sorry guys! Mum made me drop my sister off at school!" Stacey said, running in and sitting.

"Hey Stace!" Niall and I said.

After school, Niall walked me home, like every other day. When we got to my door he face me and said, "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, you know that uhm, show .. X Factor?"


"Well, tomorrow I won't be at school, because I will be going to audition for it." He said.

I got excited for him. "WOw! That's fantastic!" Then I settled down. "Why aren't you happy?"

"Because, if I make it through..." He trailed off.

"If you make it through what?"

"If I make it through, then I won't see you for a while."

I frowned, "What? But not seeing you is like hating nando's. I can't live without you or nando's."

He chuckled, "Believe me, I don't want to leave you, Charlie. But I really want to do this." Charlie was his nickname for me, short for Charlotte.

I lightened up, "Don't worry! You'll do great!! It's not the end of the world. I'll still see you."

"Of course. Nothing can stop me from seeing my bestfriend!" He poked my stomach and I giggled.

"So, I will see you Wednesday?" I said.

"Wednesday. Love you." he said, hugging me.

"Love you too, Niall."


Ok, so just to let you all know, I didnt steal Charlotte/Charlie from Good Luck Charlie.. my brother's girlfriend's name is Charlotte and we have been calling her Charlie since before Good Luck Charlie was out!! So yeah :) Let me know what you think so far ? :) xx

I Will Always Love You - A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now